Show WILLIAM CREER CREEK ATTORNEY AT 1 LAW A IV JOHN 13 milner AT atriab LAW P 0 lit in til 11 tho the ceci or of uch county city C ity odi the block t and n block at wart mouse PROVO I 1 VY UTAH WALTER R PIKE PHYSICIAN AND surget SURGEON office and au reable ice two blocks if f court house ITY IT III jya JAMESJ JAME TALMACE physician and dental surgeon eiki lre erect I froio roto AI Arlia clil teeth inala ad teetie T t k t c t e il and ak d a klail it of 0 wort work ae dono on 1 1 r t lottia S t 1 B t ld facile ou leed PH price down to suit ault time Voga table blood tills filla a on a sale ia at tile coop cooil co op oil stores oil U IV 0 doi box til P 0 box D J JJ 11 J Is 13 is 15 8 0 H f jt GEORGE A successor to walker bros co and nil dealer in liquors T and abid cigars Oi gars opposite the rest cletah city atall I 1 maid mk i a specialty I 1 or STRAIGHT KENTUCKY WHISKIES lad aua ery it A full fell it itna of everything pertaining I 1 the lie liquor nuil and clar bul ea your yoe antron pat go gol iJ OmiA MIll tS HOUSE duail Nf ATlON Is 1 th alia isriael t cot and aul comfortable hotel klith auth of halt lake alth lih the licit beat th lii eirot frd terms reasonable for r tho the f I 1 ele 00 wish alli busier rila J af taina and ni counties or any ny other point tanta mr ATIt back k V c ages iges and horse on adra it at rc etc arx stabling Stab liag hay and ami grain RICHFIELD HOUSE sova co utillie util lil tills this I 1 it alie pioneer hotel ot of null la ia acied up JI PT with no mi eye to the comfort 11 coil J I 1 I 1 TWO BLOCKS SOUTH OF POST orrice OFFICE travelers will faid bar lacre ale a roiling panco ind nd 1 either py by atigo or private lri rat conveyance to iny any point den holrod trod orlive and nd departs arto daily HAY AND STABLING lerun reasonable IV ill nilI Elt pro ailt OPERATIVE cooperative CO DRUG STORE 11 OPP rot rest emco omco arrovo has iia i roll FULL rook or PURE DRUGS ano AND MEDICINES A choice variety of patent Paten tand and proprietary medicines di cines and ana rr ini licina only A toll voll 01 toika toi lock kf of wines an and d liquors first elm tobaccos coa cos and cigars physician prescriptions bolly it ic c lit it ILAW B iulus fo f o U Una cr SPANISH FORK OPERATIVE cooperative CO DEALERS IT IN general genera merchandise also U RE and GRAIN OF F HARNESS BOOTS AND SHOES 11 1 good FLOURING MILL iii coetia co eti a with our other 1 bd I lip keep r lit hand good article artl cli of AND FAMILY FLOUR CM rit c on ordon filemon filled 1 a hort notice it d all 12 t UTAH COUNTY DRUG JB MEDICINE BEDIM m DEPOT american Amsil can lork U h A A RAIN rr leor iea P filled mith ea cr mij lid till kill hither either day or night J ja a DAVID TAMES sit Sac S erot I t to ic WINNIE 11 GIS WATER AND STEAM FITTER A fall line of iron galvanized and Ria libor aloo pipe adlue fitting for same nine aig ighut lit for far celebrated lift ana nj engine wa well F arc up t to tori onion lars lp bv mall mail promptly Atten attended deil to lloa ai vuel r ml SALT flait LAKE laan CITY aly BEST labeit helia cin cal lie be obtained from all brawt I 1 ox aly ordis IT by tl it kag or imi bottlo lowill will rolt pr p i liaa and a liquors of 0 1 1 I kanji k it i 0 t fit ilia 1 I itty 1 lt I at tha ll 10 11 ta dalos hud a you ra I 1 J simir till L lit 13 r 0 halij df ja 1 A thing of boa aty is a joy forever PROVO WORKS oldia ald centre t provo C city fly L L fullers blo 04 hand UTAH AND IMPORTED MARDLE MARBLE monuments HEAD stones AND M ajl JL furniture mails to ardor order satisfaction guaranteed and prices low |