Show it if houses horse paw in ia the take a light chain fistea it aboya tile knee let it hung loose just so BO it will not cot touch the floor if horses kick la in the stable finten the elain on oa tho the hind linail log leg same sama way they rhoy will keep hoop gniot while the chain is in on aud and there n is no n danger of 0 hurting theca them to earo care a halter breaker bre alser tiko take a inch ropo rope a little over twice length of the horse mako make a loop in m the middle of 0 the tha rope ropa ai 83 it co can c o not slip pins pass the tha borsos uil tail through it then pasi mi tho tha ends of 0 tho the rope through tile tha rings ol of tho the halter and hitch the tha ends enda whon when he ha tries thiea to pull pall the rope ropa will slip blip through thron gli the tha rings armga and all the tha strain atrain comes on hl his ull til I 1 have hava sean Bovet hotsa broke broka in thi thia sway way |