Show A diio life at it il ia conceded that list tho ilia 1101 landera are the lit best beak skaters tl in the corid babit bat it is ia questionable whether tho he ile hei test teal nun min iu in the bo land of the dykes over ever equaled tho the feet feat that was performed by a buffalo tarn A law few years a ago go through tho the innate modesty ciot lesty 01 of the one vi mho he passed through a moat trying ordeal arii il lor for a of eight hours the story has hag never reached the publio public and it would not now were it not cot that 8 gentlemen who heard it related stopped a reporter ol of the sunday aws th the d other day and asked have you yon never heard tho that story told by jerry 0 rogers of 0 Idia ting the whole length of like naron haron no like huron is about miles in length well 1 will give it to you pu merely prefacing that he reci toil it to mo me last summer while I 1 was waa a passenger on tho steamer nyack of which ho be was chist chief engineer it was a lord lovely night tho the moon WAS waa shining ning brightly and ami we were leaving its silvery beams reflected on the broad bread bodom of iho bereno hurom blen jerry who lad had been dreaming over a fragrant havana I 1 gave him turned to we find anil said 11 I 1 I 1 never pass through this lake that a thrill of horror does not shoot through nn my veins ever been shipwrecked on it I 1 asked 11 I 1 no but I 1 have lad tin an experience such bach as aa I 1 hope my bitte enemy may never have hao ll 11 I 1 what waft it I 1 naked rousing tro from in the languor that had bad of me for some time there was waa some thin glia lis manner thit aa esplain plain words word could that his bis story was waa worth alsto to and 1 I squared myself so a aa to assume the attitude atti tudo of an inter bated listener as he be replied 1 I havo have an hour before my watch commences com bud and as I 1 do not care to turn in n I 1 will tell you yoa it was wai in the tha ml fall of 1872 late too that the steamer 1 was eili engineer gincer on oil wits VM frozen in ia at sailors encampment in the tha sult sault ste merle mane what bout boat was it tho the atlantic atlantia cap tain lain miller wo we reached tho canal in reagan to get through as aa wo thought ut cold weather set in and when wo reached the sailors encampment WO we could proceed no me further I 1 thought I 1 lad ind boea been out in cold weather veather before rot but it was spring to whal w li ab we got then why it was EO cold cola that the orders captain kaptain miller gho atoil to tho the mate froze roze and fell at the feet of the first oell set in irregular cakes I 1 wo we grub grab enough to last unil III spring if all hanja hands remained nei so it was arranged that some of us start for blackin sw island in company with tho the clerk mr maltby the tha chambermaid a colored col orcil woman who was abod dres soil in male attire for tho the oo oc casino casi and nd two 0 or three deck hands I 1 started the lay jay was plem arat the air keen teen and ani I 1 cold and although though ol we wa strack out at a lively pace it WM was dillio alt to seep keep our blood in circulation the clerk became drowsy and bad to pro carura a 5 bewitch switch to keep keel him in motion just fust it bedora foro bonset we marched into the lohn john jacob astor AstorI roast Iong andl and were welcomed by jlia jim balilo the proprietor who loft left nothing undone to make us na comfortable comfort ablo in tho the morning I 1 vaid to jim how are wo we going to ho home tao I 1 I 1 cross over to the mainland on the michigan tide side ani and strike an aa indian in a jan trail I 1 will send bond a 0 scout who knows tho country 0 to o pilot yon yoa and to in four foar or cr live five days daya you yoa will reach the railroad he ha replied that would jilt do it and nl 1 I 1 told jim so I 1 luil had to roach reach buffalo in two days time as 68 I 1 was waa to got acids its beet bicet mm man to it a friend who was to b bo i married narried auda and I 1 asked askea jini Tim if ho he could not at lonn me a a pair of skates tealia blo weil hn io answered what could yoa ioa ilo ao with skates 2 11 I 1 why skate iowa flown lale lake wits wan my reply t I 1 lie ho tried to lo raligh me ma out of the ti 0 n but when ho he saw I 1 was waa deter m norlo d anil and in curnest cur he brought coith it a pair of old turnovers which he bo said lie his grandfather bad need on in tho connecticut river ilter the iho rest of 1 the ibe fialty pirty thought to tn we ino talk ng about wolves colias lint but 1 their feire fans strapped on oil my skates filled my villi plug it ehte I 1 it aud and bidding goob by 0 t my mj fr anen ten I 1 li 4 egana on the ien ice cut a spread eagle floto ray y name of fr M I 1 wai v 11 in excellent spi spirits ritti and the eltin to like lake inelo fairly glow tho the brinl wu wai frosli from mm the north and when I 1 glided oil a tho the beautiful dil fiehl of loe ice that co vorel the lake as far lis the eyo could reach I 1 ws was going without much the ibo rate ol of ta twenty miles an hour this was r rather i fuir fair pace but it would not carry me ma through by daylight so me I 1 dotor bicad to put on more steam toura fi I 1 did and soon inc romed to thirty miles about ten miles miltia to the northward ol of alpena I 1 wai startle I 1 by a voluminous biow to IT barli bark and casting my ayo jo over my lay shoulder I 1 saw v n thit that nearly halweil rall nu with fright about NO ano miles in ia my wake wits it ft pack of not loss losa than two bundled I 1 long can lan khun gry wolves coming for ma luo with an eagerness was anything but pleasant to contemplate were you ever followed oil oa a trackless trac Mesa waste liy by b birk birb irk ing en arling snapping growling no well I 1 pray that thai you never may ho be 0 on a they came ut nd n d a although I 1 waa vas crowding my fires they were wera gaining on me it would not do to put pat for alpena for it is as yon know up tip in in tho the bay mid and the soo on near tho the was pineil in hummocks that I 1 conia not mot ruto over so no nothing left for ino but to double my lay efforts fotta ef I 1 I 1 I 1 holy horrors I 1 what ja that alicae I 1 ejaculated as I 1 looked about almilli in advance find and saw a clear stretch ol of water vater fally fifty feet wide ant and extending as far its is tho the vision could tito take in at a glance it not ho ba possible to elanga my arme being trapped for the whelps were wera flanking me ae their red tongues biased as they lapped tho the frosty air abir 11 ores ayes horned and glistened and their white teeth glit gilt as they ref re flecta I 1 tho the gnu s raya rave 11 death or it mighty loop leap jerry jarry I 1 mentally repeated as aa tho the kenred I 1 did not nob fancy leing being devoured devou rod losing tile the number of my mosa mesa to lo a pick of wolves so I 1 Bt rained every nerve and muscle and attained finch speed that I 1 leaped tho the opening without much effort ind landed on the ico ice right side bide U up p 11 I 1 As Is soon As an I 1 could coall blant off beeam I 1 halted and turned about to soo beo what haj hail became Lieou iao of my pursuers there t they hey were nvere in ia tho the water every one of them and in ia less time than liaa I 1 am aa con com homing in telling you the ica closed anil and shut them out from further pursuit do you see aeo tho gray hairs iu in my forelocks fore locks they blea bleached cheil in ia the ho taw few the wolves were ou on toy my hool haiola 11 I 1 well to make a long story abo short r I 1 deac hod barnam barim that samo same afternoon 4 last eight hours and twenty nine minutes utter after leaving tho the island falaq and took the groat great western train for buffalo arriving arming homo home the next morning bright and early did I 1 at tho the ccleo no inde indeed edlor for I 1 know the clerks would chaff me ma it if I 1 told my story so 1 I just kept shady until the rout rest ol of the party came to town when I 1 mot met them and in dE forence to my wishes they said nothing about my feat eat I 1 i never told the story before and would not have hava told yon if it hall had not been that YOU yon caught we mo in tho the right humor 11 there Is ia jerry d yarn but bat dont give it away for the world us as ho he is ia a little sensitive about it remarked the tha relator relater as aa he bid the tha reporter good evening and boarded a street car it ia a barely possible poa Bibla thit that mr rogers did not tell tho the at etory ory for tho the reporter thought ho detected et u ely in the eye of tho the gentleman whon when ho he cantio cautioned nod that nothing should lie be said about it if I 1 it should prove to bo be n coinage the news will cheer cheerfully fally say aay that it wits was jim imposed posed upon alo fit sunday anday news |