Show UN or 1 I man dan liu tour I 1 aur with nis ills heart buted busted El edward ivard 11 pulmer palmer died at the city hospital recently tinder in peculiar culiar cir cir oil december 21 last LB he wi wa to tho hospital Loa pital a and rid to bis 1118 mari swart by li wua was 8 1 1 ignoll to tit th yard ward HA 11 8 wi wilb th the abo officers and lipses and ami was waa greeng aizdd as miuor 1 aud d rp r to all al ii p lus be wai healthy but bat an proved that his ailment wid of a mo it set pen oil juiia nature at dimps b bo would cout plain of it a sudden twitching in tho region of tin his heart lint hot titers wt tw and in 10 the aliu irly ivay which i ld red ed all accurate anil I 1 complete diao disa dill ic alt to 10 reach uia hibb appetite vai till all III list R I 1 MUM could live ava on und and for some domo diw liaf be contradictory symptoms was A pazzla brizzle to the attend attending luR physicians the other morning however the patient complained more than ord icari ly jr and one ODB of 0 the physicians on sou D ding his bis chest chast beard the blood rushing to and from his bis heart with wih gre great at speed and violence the being distinctly audible to the listener in an instant ini it dawned upon u I 1 on the physician that one of the valves of the be heart had burst burnt the patient admitted that he bad been aff affected eted with heart disease for some yea rebut until his bis admission to the hospital hero here had never treated for it further eza examination mi nation d developed d the fast that one of the auricular aari cular aud and ventri enlar valves had bad been burst for several months and that the hasain sounds were produced by the burrid tod passage of the blood to and fro between the auricle and ventricle the valve had originally served to allow the blood to pass from the auricle to the ventricle but prevented its return to the auricle and it is fg a most remarkable fact that the man mail has baa lived as aa long as ai ho be has accord ienir in to medical research death would have bave boon been the inevitable result as soon as the valve gave way As it was a R palmer lived for or conr months tit at least last with his bis heart iu in this condition and up to the lust sat moment was able to converse intel intelligibly li g i ay with all around him remar remarking k i g to his bid sister who had bad arrived arr I 1 tod a short while b before a fore his bis domb that his time bad come command and that he felt as if he were full of blood running riot over his bis body when ha died there was not the liast tremor or exhibition of pa inand b be merely closed his hie eyes after look ing at all around him never to 0 pen open I 1 them hem artio again from his bis sister I 1 it t was 1 learned earn e that b palmer was a member in barof of a creole residing in the coign b boyhood 0 rh of new orleans I 1 that he bad boon been given the best beat education that money coull coald afford and held many lucrative lucra tire positions position t in the south H ha s was Vo however wever never satisfied to re main at home and would fander bander aimlessly over the tha country bever writing to his bis relatives relative unless taken ill he ha spa 19 english spanish and french fluently among the attaches of 0 the hospital he be was very popular and every means was waa resorted to to prolong pro ou evey hia is life the remains will b bi sent bent to now new orleans for interment S B z |