Show am i LL n noels ON of pEU JinT ms BIAS AAD orner I 1 whilst cormons mormons were being driven from the tha juries I 1 in n utah for or un alleged blas bias in furor favor of it appears to have occurred to the wary nary mind of 0 sir mr A 0 sutherland now conducting the case cae of sir james smith of 0 provo that alint there might be ba somewhat ot of this super objectionable quality though oa different sort no doubt lurking lu la the minds minda of a certain class of persons called on led loyala Loy als americans leg leaguers guers or what riot not that for or a long if time me pat past have been chosen on open venire a panels to convict mormons cormons tor for appearing to recognize their wives the astuteness with which the wary attorney ventilated the secret recesses recess ei of the tha minila of tile tho anti mormon juryman would make an exceedingly cee interesting text of itsell itself alone but the rf matter iatter of his hl professional and metaphysical research Is in what we he tire are more particularly concerned ned with at this moment having chanced into the court room tor for a moment only while tho the pannel was making we vie summed gummed up tho the situation about it lii tills this wise nine mr are you it mormon 7 no sir air have you 1011 over ever been A mormon ye bah 8 ah I 1 believe feliciel bel iciel I 1 was a did you leave tile tho church voluntarily N 0 a that la Is I 1 was cut off ais they call it lit Is polygamy a doctrine of 0 that church uburth 7 yes sir air and lid did you believe in polygamy pol gainy when you w was as a member N y yes es I 1 believe I 1 did do you ou believe in it now no very positively ively what IV t caused you to change your mindl nand dont dona remembert did your excommunication from tile the awalen any ablao in your mind against its in members embers or against agai the organization except suell na its would n naturally mind and properly accompany a diffor eneo enco ol of opinion upon ordinary subjects 0 0 I 1 not the slightest are A r you y o u a member of an organization here called tho the loy loyal a I 1 league I 1 nui tit will boll on tell teil mo me tho the objects of that 0 organization 7 judge imploringly must I 1 anwer answer that yas you ou may in ili a general way wel wed ll 11 it is hoor Is for lun fun bostl and then w we e want to bent beat the peoples party you know it is not for or tho the purpose of fighting tile tha mormon church and to enforce tho the law polygamists then oil no sir air I 1 it is a political oiga niza tion strictly now novi sir air havo hava you no riot lit in becoming a member of that League Loague taken an oath to assist with your weans means and influence to suppress the Mormon church and tile the I 1 of polygamy and have you not promised prom isid to pay a monthly instalment installment I 1 ex to 0 sustain agents in Was washington kington for that express express pross purpose and was not the abo said I 1 leak e created according to tile terms of that avat oath to oppose tile the mormon I 1 church and particularly particular ly to enforce tile the law against pol no sir air nothing of that sort it was aly to help beat tho the peoples Pe deop es party at he polls ila that was nil all the go dabove aboa 0 is is not vouched couched tor for a aa 8 tile tha exact language ol at attorney or juryman it is lathe the spirit to so to I 1 peak of tho the examination as aa we it during our yew bevi minutes visit to the court room nor will we make any comments upon the 1 testimony above quoted hern is the 0 oath ath referred to let those who will read and understand for themselves OP OF enrollment LIST the objects of 0 tile tha utah loyal league aro are to combine the loyal people of utah male and female irrespective of 01 politics in a opposition to the polita political col rule and th the law defying practices of the so called mormon church chu to oppose the admission mission ud of utah into the union until the alie substance as well as the form ef df republican government to rats manty to maintain agents in washington or elsewhere cise where to labor for foi these enda sympathizing no with those objects object a and believing acl I 1 1 I ug organization to be necessary nece sall to obtain b let them 1 I m I 1 hereby enroll myca ag it a member ol 01 ol 01 the utan utah loyal ague and nd agree to pay fifty conta upon enrollment and fifty caty cents ev e cry ry month no na long lone as I 1 remain a member arid and I 1 promise upon my iny lionor honor riot not to divulge the names of members metri of tho the leadum Lea gum or any of tho the transactions of the league the gent lemell of the loyl loyal jury will pardon our quoting it palmage in this con u pinion from their gosior organ 1114 in sPeAk fill of the ibe league Lt Rua oath it there Is anything in ilia boan which the that the tha league 1 ato to he be mide the medium for airing the ilig n liticha views or to lo advance ali tile interest of my iny political iLal parly h he democrat MM to ln bin it in lb the hodul ho laug nul it ovi danily i no not t flis the pu rhoa a of those IN who inho ho in ill lice boud ras 1 I 11 e 0 r e d by I 1 heir signatures ini aal contributions tile ilia tor forgoing going do lira lutfu ill ot I 1 to the latitia Laii tia al ai I 1 bick a lor for alier ther ur or any ot aba ni lonal political pir pirl el lii e those who bo a tempt kododo the ilia organization ion to it purpose tor for which it w wag inner designed 11 by WH vii shall ronda oo our 1 I Im lincis a of tho the abari average lowarl into one of sam thurmand chestnuts it luni about bourm as follows an tarbell Ti Tar beel win vas meander ing in through tile woodi with lih a ht at coon un kin his bli arm arin w bon ben he met mal fly by the ilia anny ry three loqui clous small mol boy eacle eai e it or of whom ali the coon will 11 the what sul am do da politics of ye all may be ba ye can hab bab to ila coon it turned out that one WK wait a KB ite public tin the next was agia a greenbar ker and aai iba be lit last wall a democrat Urmo crai xon now lab all dat austion annon who gla gill to lo dis derky debest de do best boason to ro his hl politics he be dball hub bab lift Is coon coo u well ilia the he first 1 I sm am a cu can because they saved med ih the annn un 1 I ill vald salil thi the eco nilam a greenbacker Oreen bicker because I 1 wanted the ibe people to have bate lo 10 los i or of mony money wal ft il t A air r democrat and what do you say at l Ia sh liim am a why wayah b became bec I 1 want the ilia collit |