Show S HOOTING AFFRAY AT SCOFIELD A couple of enraged Ruf ruffians flans undertake to to do up a schoolmaster ud get bailly worsted 4 A shooting affray took place at scofield 9 e ad on tuesday evening which though thong h n not t attended with fatal results will probably land one scamp and peril perhaps 11 IT 9 two in tho the penitentiary mr C II 11 bliss a young teacher in scofield dp was the person assaulted and lie he came cain e in last evening and gave us the following particulars at the coroners inquest held over the body 0 of IV S B murray the tha liand hand killed on monday mr air bliss was waa called to te testify stif it appears that previous oua witnesses in n tho the esse cage intimidated by tal the I 1 bluster of the tha fellow ellow white who biad ila d charge ol of the car from which murray fell 1211 in their testimony had estimated the speed of the car at the moment murray ft was as killed hilled at much less than it ft really was when n mr bliss took the t h e stand however he i is gave gae tile the speed tit at 20 miles ap pp cpr r hour this put the section boss p pugilist into on an almighty bad I 1 temper e n and he ha was verv soon on the t trail I 1 ap ottlie er t lie impertinent that ili e fused to take alarm and accommodate his testimony to the threats of what ho looked upon as ft a braggart and a ruf ruffian flan accordingly on tuesday evening willie while mr bliss was at the depot attending to acine oh express ex p ress business lie ho suddenly found himself him self confronted by the belligerent who had equi tripped ped him self with nith a friend and a pistol for tho the ex ei presa purpose of doing doin up tho the young oung pedagogue ped ioina with n etli neatness and dispatch 81 into blics face nicolie lie ope ilat the Int erslew by ai suring alisi in in ins ilia onn peculiar cipy py that lie was biot anti i ely a t truthful berbon and ilia mother haq n canine of the coin moner sort eort tic bliss biles thought it none of his hia concern coni ern it if sloe was white became sole BOIO dr pleased und und struck bliss in ili atie face thil latter hitter at this backed up a few etela and observing white and rid I 1 lua thomas loyed still following linn him up and con tinning their threats threat 1 he drew a knife from ilia his pocket packet and ordered them to stand back white then took out liin his pistol saying that list t he would make him use his knife since lie he had been to the pains of exhibiting it here a struggle ensued which for a moment seemed beamed to mean certain death of one it if not both of the tha persons engaged after tv two 0 allots ired fired one of them passing through bliss right si side do and the other grazing grazin life his wrist and several sever stabs blabs lind had been inflicted upon white the canle came to a i sudden ming ending abru through 1 bliss fortunately and wrenching rench ln tho the pistol from rom his opponent white alte and his companion are at this writing under tinder arrest awaiting an axa osam in before commissioner hill |