Show FLEECED BY THE an alabama convert robbed of his wife and money george preston of clay county ala returned home a few days ago from utah where he went about ten months ago as a convert to mormonism he tells a thrilling story of the treatment ol 01 the converts by the cormons mormons when they reach utah he says the women converts are married to elders who in most cases have three or four wives already and if they offer the slightest protest or resistance they are flogged or otherwise punished until they submit the men who have been promised home s and farms are compelled to give up all the money they have to the church and then they are turned adrift to live as best they can preston and his young wife were converted to mormonism about a year ago by two elders who were in clay county they bold everything they had and ant to utah preston ays his wife was stolen from him and carried to Salt Lako city he thinks but he was nevar able to find any trace of her ite was ahne by threats compelled to give the church all the money he had about and then he was told he must look out for himself he started home three months ago and worked his way back daring the past two yeara over converts have left clay county ala for utah and idaho says alt of them boulde alad to return and give up the ivr religion forever but very few of them are able to do so dispatch to the bt louis globe democrat the above shows that the old reports still take well with the lovers of startling falsehoods it appears never to growa tAle to the public to malign the cormons mormons Mor mons each little bit of news about them continues to receive the glowing head lines as of yore |