Show political in the kingdom Britian of HOW THE CENSUS IS TO BE TAKEN the pin delta tileta alaf vaa day the knights of pythias celebrate KNIGHTS OF special to the r f colo feb 19 iron mountain lodge Knight pythias to branc the twenty fifth anniversary of the order and will give a ball and banquet tonight to night the proceeds eda of the entertainment will be devoted to a fund for defraying the expense af pf the grand lodge of the state which holds its next annual meeting here i THE special to the washington D 0 feb 18 it is learned at the census office that the instructions to enumerators will be to follow the dejure rather than the de facto system put it in plain american the enumerator when ha calls at a house will take the names of all those who usually inhabit that house not the names of the people who are actually nn der the roof at the time of the numerators call this latter method is the one pursued in the taking of tho british census bupt supt porter has decided against the british system the dej ure system if honestly pursued will be rather hard on a city of transients like chicago the cebaus bureau is swelling every day the building in which the superintendent established himself a few months ago is not large enough accommodate the working force three floors of the new building approaching completion on ninth street have been engaged for the additional clerks to be employed three floca of a new building on massachusetts avenue have been taken for the mailing department the amount of printed matter which asbe ing daily sent out from the bureau readies many tons twenty million slips have been sentous sen tout for the purpose of ascertaining ascertain ine the indebtedness of each county alone enumerators bechis ready at work on aliis branch of the business some idea may bo formed by the quantity of printed matter to bo used by the bureau when it is stated that what has already been sent out would fall to its utmost capacity a room ten feet hiigli and twenty five feet each way across AND PIGEON special to the ENQUIRER J NEW YOKE feb IS tho rational Kat ional poultry and pigeon abow for wh h have beau ja opened today to day it American the ina e the exhibition is the largest and lost interesting of the kind ever held liere the managers claim that it was not tho great value of the prizes offered that made the exhibitors come out as numerously as they have but that the people of the country at larye have become interested in expositions of that cha acter L WILL AGAIN BE ELECTED special to the ENQUIRER DUBLIN feb 19 A writ for the re west waterford vacancy vacant by the supposed death of douglas pyne haq been issued by the government be elected without opposition pyne was a very eccentric character and hence though he disappeared more than a year ago his colleagues refused to belieka him dead thinking lie Y BS merely playing a practical joke on them one lie boarded the steamer at holy head for kingston since which time he he has never been seen he was an enthusiastic thusia ad of parnell and a staunch advocate of home nile he attached attention at one period in liis career by retiring to his castle in waterford when the government had issued a warrant for his arrest and defied police to capture him from the battlements of his castle every sunday be hurled the fiercest at the government and the people who came for miles around to hear him and cheered him in defiance of the threats and assaults of the police an attempt by the authorities to bring him to terms by cutting off his food supplies failed and he appeared to be master of the situation when one night he eluded alie officers who were watching him and escaped to london where he was arrested as ho was entering the house of commons ANOTHER celebration special to alie ENQUIRER i BOSTON feb 19 the of pythias of this city and vicinity celebrated today to day by a great n in tremont temple the twenty fifth anniversary of the establishment of their order almost all the citizens of note were present when the chairman opened the proceedings bv introducing the orator of the day A poeta by john boyle 0 reilly was read A aea cartain CAr TAIX special to the ENQUIRER 1 jacksonville fla feb 19 captain hamilton marrell Mn rrell of alie steamship missouri who rescued the passengers and crew of the denmark is here on a visit for the benefit of his health he has quite recovered the sight of both eyes which had been threatened very seriously a short aimo ago he aiu not resume command of his ship until spring CIGAR special to alie NEW yank feb 19 the cigar manufacturers rs of ilie states are holding fourth annual convention at the fifth avegno li otel among the topics discussed to tho internal system alie import stamp the ta imported tobaccos cos and the establishment of an official apprentice system alie convention closes with dinner at coa at which there will be present among others col in erell er sll gen sherman mayor grant amos cummings and bourke cochrane |