Show THE SUNDAY SERMONS presidents smoot and john oil timely topics BITS OF interesting HISTORY members of hie peoples party should vote on principle and in unity the usual sabbath services of the of jesus christ of latter day saints were were held at the meeting house last sunday president A 0 sinott presiding thu choir sang SIni ltv the mail who finds tin alt gods chosen rac prayer was offered ly hyrum anderson ahe choir sang thih on hiat night alien aali ai d iscel imite ii ite the was administered by the bishopric of the fourth war i PRESIDENT A 0 SMOOT was gratified he anil ti t ce the house so well filled on alna beautiful sabbath HB did not know but w hat there might bo some present to hear something about politics us it biad been customary for him the last 2 years to urge the people on the day before election to exercise their franchise alie response has been in action if not in words that all is well in zion and they have perhaps stayed at home vow this thin that is happening in salt lake is nothing new it is nothing more alian has been expected it lias been foretold by alie prophets but it lias been butac a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal in alio ears of the lat ter day saints I 1 am pleased that something has como to wake us up I 1 am a member of the party I 1 was in utah when the first election was held in this territory alid first court that was ever held here was held by your humble servant I 1 have been mora or less interested in politics I 1 had the honor of serving as azember of the first legislature ever organized in utah since then I 1 have served in that capacity for about eighteen years I 1 have served in this city twelve years aa your mayor J have been on hand to assist my younger brethren council and advice but thia time I 1 lauve little to say I 1 sup popa I 1 have been counted by some of our opponents as a mossback moss back I 1 respect the gentleman at the head of the liberal ticket as a respectable young man but lie is too young to assume the government of this city I 1 understand he has said that this territory has been built up by liberals judge ye of that for yourselves facts speak for themselves but however mr sutherland andl will talk that matter over much has hern said on both sides of which I 1 dis ip prove it was said in some speeches flit other night that we aio not progressive in this thep are mistaken y have even alluded to the residence of our candidate for mayor his chicken coop and surroundings I 1 am sorry that he got a better residence 1 I would like to sea every man a good residence but a poor residence is better than none I 1 understand that some of our liberal friends have no residences at all but they will probably have them if they remain in our midst if 1 I had made up the peoples ticket I 1 should probably have made several changes I 1 would perhaps have put on this bicket men of more legislative ability and experience peri ence but then I 1 can vote for the present ticket and vote heartily too these torchlight professions processions process ions seem to have come among usi would asee men elected for ability merit and nee than to see them elected by torch licht professions processions process ions is one lung that 1 am pleased to bec eec and thatis that the liberals have not put many apostate cormons mormons on their ticket I 1 prefer liberals out and out to apostates I 1 will close my political remarks by asking the peoples party to turn out tomorrow and vote the peoples ticket and let this citizens ticket alone if I 1 had a dozen votes I 1 would cast them all for J E bootle and the ticket as it stands it seems to havo no head I 1 cannot find anyone who knows anything about it judge dusenberry has authorized me to say that ho biad nothing to do with liis name being placed on it and he would not ann lie is at present very sick PRESIDENT DAVID jony took pleasure ho said in making ateva remarks to the saints this afternoon ho trusted that the remarks made might be in accord with truth and righteousness I 1 would talk about the principles of the gospel than about election 1 would rather of my redeemer than of city officers I 1 have spent upwards of ten years in the ministry and traveled from the north to the south border of this territory mingling with the people and preaching the gospel I 1 leave seen the time for many years in this city when we had no saloons and no drug store selling whiskey I 1 believe the time bas been in provo when you get i drop of liquor even for sickness I 1 remember the time when a man was sick and the doctor said nothing but branchy branc fy would save that mans life I 1 searched the town over but I 1 could not find a drop there were a few drunkards in town who used to get whiskey from salt lake or chicago but they were all out I 1 was very pleased last night that with all the visitors in town from salt lake I 1 did not hear an oath uttered I 1 had learned this morning that there were oaths but I 1 biear them I 1 have no personal enmity to these men who sell whiskey but they are engaged in a business that is not honorable I 1 will siy parents cant we put a stop to this traffic when our sons come in at night cant we see that they are sober I 1 have seen some of the smartest men graduates of colleges who leavo dabbled with the cup until they have lost their influence and have gone down to disgrace if we spend our money on side walks railroads electric lighta or water works wo will benefit abo town we live in but if we spend our money in aliese saloons it will not benefit u ve must be one in the faith in order to receive his holy spirit union is when husband and wife are on they are crowned with blessings but when a man and his wife cannot they quarrel and make cutting speeches to at the frown iiii countenances of their children I 1 wish to live in this land unmolested and I 1 wish to see my neighbors and friends unmolested I 1 wish to sec all religious creeds and martias dwell lacre in peace at one time I 1 was preaching the gospel in a town in england and i catholic priest ing in asio oilier end of town two crowds formed and drove us together they made in lock arms and ordered us to leave town together wo did so and 1 c asked god to bless mo and I 1 god to bless him we parted as frichtl frici tl iud wo have never mot again I 1 dont intend to vote tc morrow it it not convenient but if I 1 could I 1 would vot J E booth and the straight ticket the choir sang an anthem and benediction wa pronounced bya bishop evan arido |