Show m ELECTION yesterday was an eventful daiy in provo never before has a local election created so much interest aad excitement cit ement among our citizens in view of the fact that the struggle was based upon a false and unreasonable assumption the issue was looked forward to with an unusual degree of interest if not anxiety by all carlies par lies an idea seemed to be entertained by a number of citizens more especially the recent arrivals and those engaged in speculative specula e pursuits that certain persons talked of as the probable nominees of the peoples convention were unfavorable to provos advancement especially in the matter of encouraging cou raging real estate booming and inducing immigration they did cheso gentlemen a great injustice by indulging in auch imaginings every one of the men referred to was as much interested in the prosperity of this city as they could possible be in the aggregate they are more directly interested in that they have lived here mostly all their lives and all that they have on earth is concentrated within the confines of garden city moreover they have already given substantial proof of their devotion to prows present and future welfare by hard work and sacrifice and have not relied upon other and foreign agencies and resources to assist them in accomplishing those ends their hopes are cen aured hero all that they expect to gain and enjoys s to derived from the bountiful resources of the countr ingin be young and energetic men it may be taken for granted that they will do all that any enterprising body of men can be expected to do to enhance the growth of the town so far as booming in a merely speculative sense is concerned that is altogether another matter we dont believe the gentlemen elected will attempt to encourage or foster any anch an industry if however it is designed by a booming movement in this city to give us something besides speculation in a practical and substantial way the new government of provo city will be found on hand encouraging and urging the boom along the result of the election in this city must be a genuine surprise to those who have found themselves in tho minority many of those who strove to defeat the peoples ticket evidently imagined it was an easy task to accomplish their object they worked with a zeal that was praiseworthy and so confident were they oil realizing their expectations that some of the parties during the day betting two to one on their success the peoples party are not so easily divided as some individuals suppose they are as a body true to the men of their own party whom they have tried and know are worthy in the firby they had the fullest confidence in the men they sent to the convention and in the next place they felt assured that the nominations in convention were in the aggregate tho best that could bo made under the circumstances hence tho enthusiastic support given them at the polls |