Show combines the ace of the blue figs of california so laxative and nutritious with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be roost beneficial to the human system forming the OILY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yei pi aptly on the LIVER AND bowels AND TO Clean sethe system effectually SO THAT PURE BLOOD refreshing SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is using it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP COB SAM CAL kv NEW N Y libka amenta J G 3 W JODD sutherland JUDO attorneys AT law will practice in all the courts of utah and states and territories SAIL I 1 CITY UTAH DAVIS oal ENGINEER county surveyor for utah county surveyor for provo city office opposite PROVO CIT S 0 a MILNE R attorney at law binea building let door north provo city utah AT LAW it ian noa hank J it V 0 01 P I 1 DENTIST dooin no 10 buik HL brush A M M D pleasant grove utah office ono door east of ear BEERS cotela galls by day or nit prompts tl responded to all kinds at alie lowest figures WORK removed by dr painless extraction ills electric vapor is afie and best J M christianso bank building up stairs provo SAMUEL ackill AU KIll 1 OM 1 lon time and low hates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly answered office at residence one block cast from coop co op store spanish pork utah DON R CORAY CO yovo yo vo rackey LOANED ON LONG TIME low bate of interest correspondence solicited and answered promptly office over first national bank coal chai coal tho celebrated pleasant valley coal constantly on hand per ton grando western depot american fork J E agent SAMUEL L PAGE at law and notary public WILL MAKE LOANS ON FARMS hates of interest on one years time and upwards correspondence solicited CITY UTAH P P hindmarsh NEV BASKET AT WEST END PROVO carries a full line of GROCERIES all sold at prices that defy competition lie will also have a clinice selection of home made and imported baskets etc lie will sell at BED ROCK cices give him a call flies piles plies SYMPTOMS moisture intense itching and stinging most at night worse by scratching if allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate becoming very sore OINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration and in most cases removes the tumors at druggists or by mail for 50 cents dr swayne son philadelphia IF ever there was a time when the peoples party in this city should be united and manifest its strength at the polls it is now and on february next the liberals are mustering strength seeking to discourage elioso whom they can of the peoples party for no other earthly reason than to diminish the peoples majority OVED draho PAT JULY mr H tle well known optician of cag olive str nader Plan lers house st louis has appointed smoot Kic bards co of provo as agenten for their celebrated diamond spectacles and and also tor his diamond spectacles and eyeglasses Kye glasses glasses aie the greatest invention ever made ia spectacles by a proda construction odthe lens a person purchasing a pair of these non changeable alaf ses never has to change these glasses from the eyes and every pair purchased are guaranteed so that leave the eyes no manernow mane luitek or scratched the lenses are trev will furnish the party with a new pair of glasses free of charge smoot richards co liw a full assortment and invites all who them selves of the great ofine se diases over any and all now in use to all and examine the s binn at richards Kic hards 0 o ale for roto when baby was we gave her castoria when she was a child she cried for castoria when the became miss she duns to castoria whoa sha bad children she care thena castoria Cas loria thy cheapest lace in tins town to buy groceries is al C cheap cash stow where yon can get 11 pounds 0 abe best granulated sugar for 1 bee hive tea 15 cents per pat 13 bars best laundry soap for 00 cents candies at 10 cents mixed can aies 15 cents pea nuts at 15 cents per it booths finest oysters at 45 calico 5 acts per yd bilk handkerchiefs at 10 acts cotton ditto 5 acts you will also find it alie place in county for reliable garden seeds danver onion seed 1 0 per 11 american Wo cler and all peas 20 acts per qt also abo earliest potato in this territory 1 per peck at the gardeners exchange in the basement proprietor bupt supt and clerk tota ac TRADE MARK THE OK EAT VAX A MAX positively cures general debilities Debili ties bronchitis prostration testimonial UTAH NOV 14 1889 vivalor SI valor magnus medical company over four years I 1 have been troubled with my lungs and unable to lie upon ray right side 1 was recommended by aar to try salv after using one lottie I 1 could he on without pain or coughing and am and looking much belter it la a wonderful med econe annl I 1 intend to continue its use respectfully FORDONSKI aste your dealer for it tand if not in stock send to the salvator magnus medical co xo 20 st salt lake city PEOPLES SALOON has the finest and choicest stock of WINES ETC best brands of cigars and tobaccos cos in town iy ay trade a specialty the proprietors will always be found goon natured and ff give US a call BANKS proprietor eton main street spanish fork utah MOUSE blocks of E G W depot GOOD BEDS and GOOD accommodations N cj and delilo RATES per day per week which are the cheapest kates in town J C VAN proprietor utah walter wheeler undertaker carries a full line of undertakers goods HOMEMADE HOME MADE AND IMPORTED COFFINS kept constantly on liand sole agents for utah for the airtight air tight and casket and miniature vault combined orders by mail or despatch promptly filled samples of casket and styles of wallpaper always on hand j main street utah centre st union block room 7 provo spectacles aau eye glasses fitted ground with bra cillan bobbles bles worder to cor ayes examined c 1 i free 12 years all defects practical know LOTTERY or THE dexl 1877 BY THE operated under a twenty years contract BY THE mexican international improvement co grand monthly drawings held la the moresque pa vulon la the alameda park city of mexico and publicly conducted by government officials appointed for the purpose by the interior and the treasury the monthly four dollar in city of mexico eb 6 x CAPITAL tickets at S 1 prizes eg to price if amelia 2 monay wholes sa halves sa carters si LIST or 1 capital prize la Cf tX I 1 capital prize of Is 1 capital prize of ia lart 1 grand prize of SOO S OO 1 3 prizes of louo tre axy 6 ax S 20 Pr lesof lobig prizes of CO 1 u aa of 20 la 16 approximation ari t VO of to 00 OO loo prizes of BO ap pr 7 prizes of 43 to iw terminals offo decided by prize t AU prizes sold in the united baates full pau lu united baates currency CIAr rEAT CRES by benns of contract the company maist deposit the sum of all prizes included iii the scheme beford selling a single ticket and receive the of fickal permit cerii the Lo nilar bank of and fits special deposit the necessary finals the of all prizes bravn 11 the cloteria te la jsn JS n further tho company ia to distribute fafty alx per cent cf the value of all the ir prizes larger proportion than U given by any other lottery all drawings under the personal mon and management of DR intervenor appointed by the government list of prizes will bo bent immediately after the draw lag to all or on application prizes may be deposited for collection with ani or Express Company or bint them 01 by mall registered to aiace for full particulars address U apar tado city of mexico mexico SPANISH FORK I 1 OPERATIVE cooperative CO rat general merchandise mm sors furniture and produce OF ami mn w mi our gem roller mills W turns out flour that is unsurpassed in the territory orders for ahr Merchandise Flour or 3 grain filled on short notice our motto is to EST please our customers aga CALL SEE US JOHN JONES HOLD STILL A and listen while I 1 tell you of those beautiful bedroom and parlor suites that have just arrived at taylor bros their carpets and wall papers are the finest in the market and sold at such reduced prices that you and everybody else can afford to furnish your home get me a baby carriage a chicago cottage organ and new home sewing machine remember the place TAYLOR BROS H THE FURNITURE RUSTLERS PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO institution LEHL UTAH 00 IV general merchandise agricultural S acors Ae ors lumber doors windows T R CUTLER bupt supt amm 4 STORES 4 daily arrivals AT H A artt SALT LAKE full stock of clothing latest novelties m dress goods 1 ladies misses and Children 8 BOOTS SHOES drop in and examine our pews MINING WATER WHEEL designed tor all purposes where limited quantities of water and high heads are utilized guaranteed to give more power with less water than other wheel any made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting jay belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular on application caad farther information can be obtained of this form of construction as well the as ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks a nd in iron globe cases free oi cost by applying to the manufacturers springfield ohio or liberty st N Y JAMES city please LEFFEL mention this CO paper G W WILLIAMS J 0 WITHERS D T billiams fi lliams ac OF abw IN jj saps spurs labbote and a general stock of SOLE OP THE celebrated CANVASS PACK BAGS COMMONLY USED BY SHEEP MEN repairing neatly done call and examine oar stock and before ami elsewhere OUR MOTTO Quick sales and small profits the place main street payson or I 1 street provo OPPOSITE OFFICE |