Show HOW BEING BOOMED some of the advantages alie G city hid fo provo is being boomed iu good shape all through the country A colored poster has been distributed by the thousands and among others it contains the following provo the gem city is the manufacturing centre of utah with a population of it is located at the junction of the three best mountain passes through the wasatch range provo is the county seat of utah county which yields more produce than any other county in utah territory it is supplied with sufficient water to irrigate every foot of land in the county which annually produces bushels of grain besides an immense quantity of fruit and potatoes 70 bushels of potatoes being produced upon one acre of ground provo city furnie heatlie surrounding country with woolen goods flour coal iron rock salt asphaltum coke gilsonite fine building stone slate lime rock fruits of all binds fish gamp lumber beef etc provo city lias a million dollars borth of property it lias the second best opera he as well as the terri insane asylum alie states district curt atio brovo trovo woolen mills alio largest of the river and iron foundries a canning factory a mineral manufactory a combination fence factory public school academies churches of all denominations and all re operating for lie common weal provo city ia alie junction of two transom tin railroads with prospects of two more already laid out it lias organized street car companies and an electric ligac company and is building three miles of asphaltum asp hallum walks provo is the only city in butali that lias an unlimited supply of water for factory purposes from w hichi horse power might be derived with a radius of five miles provo city is situated on the border of utah lake a beautiful sheet of water 15 by 40 miles in area abounding in fish and pame of overy description for information address secretary chamber of commerce herald |