Show Tu oJay DAIL WELCOME 0 has gone to kingdom come SAM grismere Gris mers representative is in town oun distinguished visitors dined at alie cosmopolitan FIVE more tramps were lodged in the city refrigerator last DALEY has sold to newton boyea 45 feet front on J street for i E A WILBON came down with the ex ami of course put in an appearance pe arance at our sanctum of the Salt lake herald daiil us a congenial cull today to day lie came down with alic legislators OUK general agent 11 J dugdale is making a tour of the southern part ol 01 utah county lie will he in fa fork today to day G H the salt lak real estate firm bought hue pieces of property in provo today to day GEO GRONEMAN has sold the twenty fi ct owned by him on centre street to mrs louisa mcbade for of the second ward together alie ward committee contemplate giving a series of parties foin tuesday alie dinst WALTER undertaker der taker has an ano in the weekly ENQUIRER lie has the exclusive for utah county of alie famous indestructible burial casket PARLEY VAN WAG NER is around amiling morning and eions are numerous alie of it is that last evening lie was presented twin daughters avoirdupois eight pounds each JOHN GLEN and loranzo hatch of vernal co paid ns a pleasant visit yesterday they report vernal as being in a condition valuable deposits of asphalt have lately been discovered there samples can be seen at this office ane coroners jury returned a verdict of died floii some unknown hand in alie case of william whiitney seymour of vernal alio man who was found dead with a gun in liis arms and who was supposed to have been killed hy alie canites Da lie wag cliot in alie head WE regret to learn of the death of mis ellen daughter of bishop madsen of lake view occurred on tuesday evening for some time a be biad been suffering with typhoid malaria to which disease she finally alie young lady was nineteen years old and was greatly es teemed by lier acquaintances alie funeral took peace today to day PROFESSOR party at alie 0 pera inouye last laight proved to be n g rand success the prizes of 5 and a t erm of dancing lessons oll cred to the two most graceful dancers on alie floor were awarded 0 o mr ed olson and miss elite fenn was considerable competition for alie 5 arizo offered to alie walt remaining the longest time on alie bloor and after they had acen dancing fur three hourd and forty five minutes alio llio professor concluded to divide alie prize between masars david vincent sutton arid H rawlings marq it A hills won alie prize of a term dancing school for remaining on the bloor the longest time of any of alie lady walt her husband being her partner alio danced three hours and minutes 1 from fridays DAILY AND still the blockade continues REPORTS are coming in of blockaded trains throughout alie entire west LucERN hay is reported as being worth per ton in salt lake A dog eliat is not worth a dollar is not keeping THE dogs are being brought in in laree numbers miss HELEN BLYTHE appears tonight to night in lier greatest character TICKETS are already going for alie louis james performance BLACKBURN came down with lie excursionists yesterday A G JOHNSON JOHN SON of pleasant grove was in grovu this morning is to have a first class hardware store more anon it S HINES lias recovered from a crippe and lias resumed business REAL transfers appear to be moving just now very quietly HENRY NEWTON was sent up for en days for vagrancy this morning THERE are three gentlemen named for minor they arc all good men A mafrige license has been issued to clark and maralia ann banner of GEO is out again after a long cud severe spell of sickness his friends are pleaded to greet him THE of the legislature are being utilized as stump speakers in alie salt lake campaign JAMES and frederick of pleasant grove dropped in to V us today to day BROTHER MONS ANDERSON of lilii was yesterday released from alie pen ho received alie benefit of alie copper act which shortened liis sentence of H two months ALFRED CLUFF j writing from central ardizoni Ari zoni says have had fine rains mid farmers are busy plowing the river is high prospects are good for planty of fruit and good crops we have a good country liere for settlers alu following dogs were reg isit red yesterday rover blucher Bluch cr friex photo fritz no 2 shop prince sullivan kate flash cute fritz no i pilot ring pappy tip mak ma k jack black dikes prince no 2 carlo brave mey sweep and dude TIIE longest waltzing record ap till last made by any lady waa eliat of mrs artier in now york city in she waltzed three hours and fifteen minutes lie asme longle of time as did mrs hills at prof Tap pans party at the duera house on wednesday tin board of directors of llie agri college met yesterday in governor thomas office salt lake city after a conference prof Good maii ot new york who lias come out to fill alie chair of agricultural chemistry at alie utah college in losan alie board adjourned to meet again today to day THE kotlier day one of our present chiv fathers was talked ot on alie sarc t a s lie next city marshal now there are two kotlier equally capable gentlemen advocated voca ted the question is aill however who will be our next city marshal the public alint just now 1 most efficient pcr on ia needed for that position ONE of our old ref s ocas to hp ot alie opinion that this in H pretty laird country while was doing some trailing at one of our leading establishments collared liis collarless dot and took him over to alie dog pound As liis dog disappeared in alie distance lie was heard to remark well purfy t m rough hen I 1 annj up town and get drunk aliey take me and when I 1 corny up town and keep sober they taka my dog CHARLES KENNEDY ono of alic pioneers of butali died at his home an fn benton arkansas on alie fourth of january he wi vears of age ind was th only living brother of MM nanca iv of tin secour mard he calip to p ovo from la HC in 1857 and left for the E iett in for a number of apara lie wa of the provo canyon road his death occurred just four davs previous to that of is brother in law father wilkins H |