Show SOUTHERN UTAH DOINGS OF PEOPLE IN THE catl SOUTH michael nielsene Niel sens lea broken A rich gold mine is claimed to have been boond correspondence richfield dec 9 1890 michael nielson a late missionary to the old world is suffering from a broken eg and after he had been gone but a months one of his little ones took sick and died the death proved to be too much for the mother and she worried so much over the loss of hei child that herline was despaired of unless her husband should be present to comfort and console her bh had wasted away un tiL there seemed little left of her except skin and bone so mr nielson was sent for and released to come home after ho had been gone about a year it had not been long since he had crossed the briny waters for the second time that hajwas helping to move a joad of hay the wagon went into a hole and tipped bro michael off with the result named the district and the academy teachers joined energies and once in two weeks they meet together to instruct and to be instructed in history one of the gentleman lectures on the habits and customs of the same people there seems to be quite a number of malarial ma lerial fever cases throughout sevier bounty and some of them have proven fatal while others linger on for weeks then begin to mend and once again realize that their bed chan ber covers only a small portion of the earths surface and right glad they are too to the fact by leaving their room to breath the fresh mountain air mr taylor of junction was to be married last friday and return to richfield saturday when some of his friends had prepared a for him and his bride but he failed to in an appearance so the guests amused themselves and spent an enjoyable evening without the distinguished ones being present in glenwood there is a comans womans sul frago association ander the management of mrs hepler who secured the devices of a lawyer to instruct them in the government of our great and glorious republic A man in junction claims to have found a very rich gold mine he saya he secured a dollars worth of gold from a pebble less than a hens eggs in size with no other instrument than a common hammer P P has enlarged his store and he haa a fine stock of groceries prices as follows bacon 12 ibs 1 beat sugar 12 ibs 1 tea per packet starch per packet match per doz salmon per can csc i beat lie per box fine per ib cur aars 11 ibs 1 lemon peal per ib peal per ib oatmeal fsr iba ac fine salt per hundred loose lard per ib mackeral mac beral herring salmon pickled kripl tongue anchovies aliba fine stack of candies nuts dates figs all fresh and ances that dont get beal all flaur and feed goods delivered joany part of the clayt P P |