Show THE NATIONAL CAPITAL BY will licely Is this bebin lein OB a truckee bied D 0 noy 28 1990 mr speaker red depra enta tiye mckinley and all the other republican advocates for a continuation at tha short session of congress of the radical pro gramme begun at the last session are going through a panic juat now they fear that abara will not he a quorum present in the house before H 1 I ssi fr f r M ill b impossible to compel many f the republicans who have been defeat ed to attend tho session regularly and without a republican quo rum they know that there same is blocked ag thu democrats are fully determined that no py litick apportionment shall be made unless it be done by republican otes entirely and the bamo thing holds good regarding the notorious subsidy ping bills the democratic leaders have no da sire to see an extra session of congress in the spring and it there be ane now seems altogether probable it will be tho fault of tho republicans the democrats are ready end willing to aid in passing the regular appropriation bills for the support of the government but they propose resisting to last extremity any attempt to pass political legislation it ia specially pleasing to tae democrats to learn that it has been decided by bosses reed cannon whose control of tho house committee on rules makes them absolutely dictators of the business to come before the house that the tariff lair shall nut bo modified or amended at this session it was feared that the republicans would be sensible enough at the coming session to get back the votes they lost by revising the lea turea and there are few that are not objectionable of the new law in a business manner but they have elected to stand or fall by the new law which makes their fall certain when tho people again get a whack at them A semi announcement has been made by mr mckinley Me kinley that DO silver or other financial legislation would be passed this winter theory of the agriculturist voiced by the heavy vote ot the farmers alliance for financial relief is to be ignored until the democratic bouse comes in secretary windom will I 1 am informed propose in his annual report a relief in the shape of and 2 per cent bonds to be issued by the government to be convertible into cash upon demand of the holder this idea is borrowed from the old greenback party but of course will require congles before they could be issued aud if mr mckiniry spoke by the card and the presumption is that he did mr recommendation will b good fer nothing ex representative warner who was here all last session as an advocate of silver legislation says alic silver men will submit three propositions to congress first free coinage second free coinage limited to silver produced in this country until france and germany shall buy american silver third the coinage of about to equal the amount of national bank notes retired during the last year and that they will leave no stone unturned to get one of them passed either of them could de passed if a vote could be had upon them but how the house can pass a bill which the committee on rules refuses to allow it to consider I 1 cannot see one lias anly to circulate among the leading democratic members of congress now here to discover what a broken reed the republicans are leaning upon in expecting that democratic mistakes in the next house are to give them an opportunity of winning in 1892 present indications are that there will be no democratic mistake at least not serious ones the democratic pro gramme will be first of all to give the people more money by providing for the free coinage of silver and to revise the tariff in a way that will reduce tho prices of clothing anda agricultural supplies and implements and at the same time give the farmer practical chiy by enlarging the market for the sale of their supplies no mistakes in a pro gramme of that sort is there the democrats propose to confine themselves to legislating for the people that is all classes and not for a a few favored individuals nearly all of the gentlemen who have announced themselves as candidates or who have been placed in nomination by their friends for tho of tho next house are now here and they are one and all greatly surprised to leam of the bitter fight each and every one of them is making in the newspapers for the coveted honor and it is the source of no little amusement among them mr harrisons annual message to congress will according to a gentleman gant leman who ought to know whereof he speaks be confined to an appeal to the republicans to stand by protection as exemplified in the mckinley law to pass an apportionment portion ment bill a federal election bill and the steamship subsidy bills and not to pass any silver legislation |