Show til llyl v cwm iu i bavli AM MORMONS what he thinks of effle situation main points mentioned dec 2 to the senate and house of livas the reports of the several executive departments which trill be laid before congress in the usual course will ox hibit in detail the operations of the government for tho last fiscal year only the important incidents and re fults and chituc buch as may be the foundation of the I 1 shall submit still be referred to in this annual message V iril boweka alio friendly relations of our country with the nations of europe and of the east have been undisturbed while the ties of goodwill and common interest that bind us to tho states 0 he western been notable strengthened by llie conference held in this capital to consider ir eastres for the general elfage el faie pursuant to the invitation authorized by Con gresta the lives of every independent of the american continent and of hayti met ii conference in this capital on october 1389 and until the apih of last april this important convocation marks a must interesting and continental epoch in the history of the western hemisphere it is noteworthy that brazil invited under an imperial lorm of government shared as a republic in the deliberations and results of the conference the recommendation il of this conference were all transmitted to congress at the last session the international marine congress sat in washington last winter re a very result the regu bulges ted have baen brought to ie attention oi all the governments presented and their general adoption is confidently expected the legislation of congress at the last see i iou id in conf amity with of the conference aad the proclamation therein provided will be issued when other powers hae given notice of ad healon THE KILLING OF the killing of general barrundia Bar on board the pacific mail while anchored in transit in ane pon oi acan jose de guatemala demanded a direful ci reful inquiry having lailda in rev attempt to nevado guatemala passage acapulco for panama tiu consent of the rep the united states was ought to effect his r elzure first at perico where the steamer touched and afterward at san jose the cap af ilio steamer refused to civo up his without a written order from the united keates minister the latter furnished the desired letter general burgunda Bur resisted capture and wa killed it being evident that the min idaer mr mizner had exceeded the bounds of his authority in intervening in compliance with the demands of the Gua authorities to authorize and effect in violation of precedent thi seizure ua a vessel of the united mates if H passenger oi transit with political offenses in order that he may be u bcd for auch under what artas described as martial law I 1 was con ut rained to disavow mr mizner and re call him from bia post TUB BEHRING SE the new treaty of extradition with aresu fintain after due ratification was on the of ladt march its beneficent working is already ap aront tiie difference between the w touching the fur seal in thu behrig sea is not vet cai a ailt he feen by the corres will soon he laid be tott lores the er to submit the 10 arbitration as proposed by flyr s government has not been accepted for the reason that the form of proposed is not thought to be calculated to assure to a conclusion satisfactory to either party it is sincerely dince rely hoped that before the opening of anellier anul lier healing seabon some arrangement may be which will assure dai united y propriety right derived frodi cussia was abot disregarded by any nation for more alian eighty yeara preceding the outbreak 0 he existing tiou Oie chii ihre venues of he government from all sources duenk the ascal year jane were and he total expenditures for the bam period were the postal receipt have not heretofore been included in the statement of these ag rr eates and for the purpose of conanan ou the sum deducted from botn of the account the burlus for the year including thy amount applied sinking fund was the re for were 16 and the expenditures in e cetha of those of the customs from and the receipts from internal revenue i while on the side of expend tures that for pensions wa wai i 90 in of the proceeding edini year the statement for the cinn rit citie ear partly actual and partly estimated is ad follows receipt from ill 00 total expenditures a surplus of i not jakini the postal receipts into tho ac of eitnier aide the lobs ol 01 from customs for the last quarter is but from ahia is deducted a iain of about 00 realized during the first four months in ilia year for the vear 1892 alie local estimated receipts of ij and the estimated an ei timatea surplus of which with a cash balance of at the beginning of the year will give as the sum avil ablo for the redemption of outstanding bonds uses the n receipts and expenditures fur the lif ing equal are not included in this statement on either fan j n t 0 WAR the construction conat ruction equipment of the new ships for the davv has mad very factory progress hince march ath 1890 nine new vessels ahva bean put in commission and during this winter four more including one monitor will be abed the constructions oy the ves vels authorized is being pushed both in the government and private yarda with energy and watched with the gaoat care the conducted during the yew to test the relative power and armor klafs have been eo valuable ato great attention in europe the only part of work upon toe new that ii threatened by unusual delay i armor plating and every effort is being mad to reduce that to the minimum 16 ie c osria of congratulation that the anticipated influence of these modern in the esprit de corps of the officers aad leamen has been fully realized real izod c and arido in the filip adaoag the crew are to the battery your favorable condition u in fisted to the of the kormosh AJ the increasing number aad of the anon maraon population ia IT tab are obi erred with attraction the recent letter f wilford dent of the mermen church in chich be ad rises ki people to retain tram contracting tr any forbidden by the laws of the land bax attracted tide attention and it r hoped that its will bo highly beneficial in restraining infractions of the laws of the united states but the fact should not be overlooked blat the doctrine or belief of the church that polygamous marriages marri aget are rightful and supported bv divine cevela tion remains unchanged President wood raff does not renounce the doctrine but refrains from teaching it and advises against the practice of it because the law is against it now it is quite true that the law should not attempt to deal with the faith or belief of anyone but this is quite another thing and the only safe thing is to deal with the territory of utah sa that those believe polygamy to be rightful shall not have the power to make it lawful ii aria dec 2 special more topolobampo colonists are constantly passing through this place one hundred and fifty mostly women and children stopped acme time waiting for coaches and the citizens of nobalee used every argument to indic them either to return or to leave the women and children but without avail it ia said that there are now of last years company at Guay maB waiting on the point of tion the ril roada and private of this place have been for two years assisting the f abia fraudulent echeme and yet they coma they beem infatuated with the leaden and an they cross the line utter contemptuous regarding their own country from their printed bools hymns in the land which they call the land of happiness and peace the people at the line arc filled with indignation knowing that ia a few months the franetic frana tic will be back hicls with malaria and stripped of earthly possession for the charity of others to relieve many of the last company seem intelligent and well to do |