Show academy items THE society is in full running ollor again the increasing interest is manifested by alie largo attendance lectures have been delivered by bro macsar on elocution and by bro keeler on how to get on in the world poetry is alie title of brother belsons nelsons Nel sons lecture next friday evening other exercises for entertainment and instruction are carried out at eacle meeting the meetings are open to the public and visitors are always welcome THE add club had its first out last katurd ay iy over thirty students spent oliree bours rambling over the pastures between the academy and the labz quite u number of the lower animals and plants were obtained and examined under t microscope A water snake which n recently swallowed a large toad was captured alie latter was taken out by one of the party and found be aliye on seeing this another one exclaimed 1 I believe that jonah swallowed the whale after all LAST years students express themselves as pleasantly surprised by the improvements made inside the building during vacation the benches and desks have been newly painted in addition to alie regular cleaning up what was formally the principals office has been turned into the ladies room and is nicely furnished for alio purpose of holding in it the different classes in ladies dvork THE western publishing house through its agents mcelwee goddard of augden has generously donated to the academy a set of roller maps also a set of charts for illustrating physical and astronomical geography bogli are fine specimens of art and will assist greatly in the explanation of the subjects intended SEVERAL very fine specimens of mosses ferns and shells from now zealand were rece ivel last week from george S taylor superintendent of alie provo book and stationery company registrar reported students in attert tance last faculty meeting from is by those who are now lacre the prospects are very flattering for a large increase in the near future HYRUM F THOMAS and joseph A arcese of the U G T A spent thursday and friday in visiting different classes A COPY of the autobiography of parley P pratt has been donated to the library by moroni L pratt of this city |