Show THEY COUNCIL they meet with a strong remonstrance AND CONCLUDE NOT TO SELL i THE PROPERTY FACING THE tabernacle A SCORCHING ADDRESS FROM THE MAYOR he find finds s fault with alio council and thi citizens in particular the city council met in special session last night with alie mayor in the chair the only absentee was alder min m in amos D holdaway the special order of the evening viz the disposal of the west half of the courthouse Court hoase block was brought up alderman scott moved that alie council go into the committee of the whole to consider the question vending the motion councilor J D dixon presented a petition from S S jones and SOS other property taxpayers remonstrating the sale of the square alie petition was read as also the names attached on motion of councilor the remonstrance was referred to the committee of the whole the motion of alderman scott was then adopted and the council went into the committee of the whole the mayor vacated the chair and called alderman scott to that position alie chair stated the business and the petitions were read by the clerk to allow the council to more thoroughly understand the nature of the work before them councilor bean stated the latter petition had been in circulation out a brief period and in view of this fact he would like the citizens to have further time to aien aign it he therefore moved that the subject ba postponed till such time as the citizens were fully visited on alie subject As the motion met with no second the matter fell through councilor farrer said it seemed to him from this petit ionas though the east town had been very much slighted and he did not know but what he would remonstrate councilor bean said the reason he ashod for further time was that several taxpayers had spoken to him but a few hours since signifying their desire to ain the petition but did not know in whose hands the petition waa chancil or bean then moved that further action on the matter be deferred seconded by councilor farrer this brought alderman brown to his feet he wanted the matter disposed of it had been agitating the people long enough councilor maiben thought the remonstrance was represented by all classes but he certainly had to admit that the east side of the town had been apparently slighted whether intentionally or otherwise he would not say in view of all this lie thought the matter could be closed by the council deciding not to sell the land councilor was ready to vote on the disposal of the land he wanted to see the matter settled one way or the other he regretted the petition did not contain more taxpayers in the eastern portion of town w councilor bean was opposed against taking any action on the matter tonight to night on the grounds that time had not been given to have the petition more thoroughly canvassed he therefore urged thai the council take no steps on this important subject until further time was given he could assure the council that twice as many taxpayers would be obtained to sign the petition mayor dusenberry did not know but what the whole subject might bo taken up and disposed of before adjournment it would certainly end the agony he thought further postponement of the subject unnecessary councilor bean h ere arose and stated that as most of the council seemed disposed to settle the matter to night he would withdraw his motion mr farrer would not consent to this however and tho motion was put and lost by a vote of 8 to 2 councilor maiben then moved that the petition of W N dusenberry et al asking for the sale of the land be not granted mr maiben in support of his motion said while he had heretofore been beartle in favor of selling this half of the east square yot considering that this remonstrance came from all classes of and did not design throwing alumpe on the council he would his wishes the city required mean sand he certainly knew no better way to oba a these means than from the disposal of this land but there was one thing that he had noticed during the agitation of and that was that the western end of the town had exercised thama elves isore against the proposed sale the merchants in that part of the city they had he was confident signed it from purely jealous were the petition not endors edby other he have done all he could to see that the petition was not granted were the half block of this square sold it would be of ibcal culpable benefit to the public But there were other ways to get means which the citizens seemed to prefer AB the fcc beroe to build a city hall was now fulla maintained it would be well to decide upon other ways to procure the necessary funds jor its erection there was one thing the speaker wanted to call the attention of the council to and that was ibis when the first remonstrance against selling this land was sent in there was at least one third of the signers faiia day and others in the west end who were insincere in their motives he knew this bufa he remonstrance that had been handed in tonight to night was one that lie believed had been honestly ll derman brown did not think the signers of the remonstrance in the west end should be accused of insincere motives in signing this petition he thought it unfair for adv member to stand on the floor of this council and make such an accusation his objections to the sale of the property were that the means that would be derived from the sale of aliis land would be inadequate to make the needed improvements he would rather favor the bonding of the city for every dollar she was worth and then make the required improvements the improvements would pay the interest on the bonds councilor farrer had not changed his opinion at all in relation to selling this land he would like to see it sold but in view of the fact that so many had signed the remonstrance he would willingly submit to their wishes alderman anub though provo needed means to hall ia fact the people had said BO the question is how are we geini to build it our taxes wont permit us to do it and our citizens oppose the idea of going into debt by bonding the city yet it has become a necessity or us to make the improvements that our town demands we have sat quietly down and eeck other cities ahead but wo have done nothing then the question arises what is the reason for this jt is because we pone into debt blau ve then do thia shall we bond the city J say no lam not in favor of prove betas saddle with an unnecessary debt then how are yo going to wae th means 0 o baud una JH I 1 hall the only means we have at our command liea right in the land that is lying idle and which we are forbidden by the taxpayers to sell the way business is growing property will depreciate preci ate in value rather than increase for one he wanted to see the land sold and he believed the taxpayers would rather do this bond the they thoroughly understood the situation he did not wish to cast any reflection upon choso who biad deigned this remonstrance but it certainly looked strange to see the majority of the petitioners petition ers were from the yest end of town councilor bean said he was no parliamentary lia man but he thought the committee of the whole was not considering the erection of a city hall or the bonding of the city but rather as to whether the petition of one W N dusenberry and others praying the sale of this land should be granted or not he still repeated that the reason the remonstrance had not been more thoroughly signed was on account of the brief period of time in which it had been circulated he therefore thought it unfair to cast any reflection upon the petitioners petition ers councilor dixon did not consider it just for any one to accuse any of these signers of jealous motives for what they had done he for one was prepared to vote on the question tonight to night and would like to see alie matter settled councilor maiben stated that business men of the west end of town had told him that they had signed the remonstrance for no other motive than that of jealousy and hence he no when he mada the assertion that the remonstrance rem were insincere mayor dusenberry reviewed the inci dauts leading up to the present hour he had never committed himself one way or the kotlier oa this subject and he only regretted that the rest of the council could not say the same thing he alien charged some of the members with having too freely discussed the matter on the streets and with button holing and getting to know what they thought of the affair he trusted such proceedings would levei happen again there has been too much wild hurrah over the matter he would have been in favor of selling the land had circumstances been otherwise but that was now a thing of the past there has apen a feeling among the people of distrust for the city council there is no use disguising the fact the present council haa been too much distrusted but one thing aft would like to know sometime from those who had signed this petion from jergons who had said they would like to see three and four atory buildings on this land how such places would mar the surroundings but the question ie What is going to be done shall prevo incorporate die and become a precinct again to the speaker the outlook to him did not look rosy there were no roseate tints of morning and the day of prosperity for prove was far from breaking he had freely admitted with feelings of chagrin the financial condition of provo when he had been told that there were men in in salt lake who paid more taxes than all provo we anything in provo not anything we have no fire department not even a tincup tin cup brigade we have nothing in fact for one he was getting worn out with such nonsense all the did when they met was to make faces at each other they exercised no comparative freedom in public affairs it seemed to be with them a case of be damned if you do be damned if you dont to him it was a gloomy outlook and he deplored the future alderman alexander thought no blame could be attached to the present council in fact he thought that in every move chev had made they had acted wisely they certainly had shown a spirit of sacrifice for the will of the people so far as building a city hall and joining with the county in erecting a central building was concerned he would oppose such a move provo should have a building itself and one that will be a credit to the town and pleasing to the eye he trusted fiovo would boon erect a hall on the west half of the east square as th atwould forever preclude the possibility of the of that property councilor was in favor of not granting the petition of W N dusen berry and others praying the sale of the land provo needs the land herself for a city hall for a jail and for fire department part ment kroyos interest in ae courthouse amounted to nearly se was in favor of taking this amount and expending it in a city hall if there was no other way of raising the balance of the necessary money he would favor the bonding of the city he wanted however to see action taken immediate ly on the erection of the city hall councilor farrer here suggested that as there were signers of the remonstrance present he for one would like to hear their views repeated calls for the question being made however the suggestion was not acted upon the motion that the petition of W N dusenberry and others be not gi anted was then put and carried without one dissenting vote councilor farrer moved that the committee of the whole ariee and report progress carried the council then resumed session with the mayor in the chair alderman scott reported that the com the whole had had under consideration the petition of W N dusenberry and two others asking for the sale of the west half of the east square and that they had decided not to grant the petition the report was adopted councilor maiben moved that the committee on judiciary be instructed to proceed with the drafting of resolutions providing for the bonding of provo city for the purpose of raising means to make public improvements alderman scott did not see the necessity of referring this matter to the committee on judiciary the council could ao 10 it themselves the first thing to do he thought what to decide upon building a city hall he termed mr mai bens motion as being premature councilor maiben thought it would be the best way for the judiciary committee to first handle this subject and decide how we shall proceed to issue bonds he did not intend for the committee to issue the bond slaughter councilor farrer said that while provo needed badly a city hall yet he was not in favor of bonding the city to erect one when the city owned land that might be sold to raise the necessary means mr maidens Mai bens motion was abon put and carried with tho following result aves alexander bean maiben brown haneen and 6 noes farrer scott holdaway and dixon 4 the council then adjourned |