Show absolutely pure this powder never varies A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness wholesome nes more economical than the ordinary kinds fan cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test short alum of phosphate powders sold onla in ww HOYAL BAKING co wall si N T DR J H MORROW physician and surgeon mm PORK UTAH WALTER R PIKE MD AND SURGEON PROVO AT 2 blocks north of depot fiam w m office north of bank corner and excelsior Escel dag store physician surgeon PAYSON UTAH OFFICE at residence in build ins up stairs 0 W office at residence one block cast of aliu Il house nw ait OR JOHN RIGGS ioiA NAND mm the treatment of OA frobas abil aronic diseases in he ia had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO UTAH iU IDENT dentist DEN TIbT bloom no 10 bank building UTAH amm 01 smart ts gos drug store MRS S A GRAHAM late of salt lake city 3 S res 11 ali street between E and F streets third ward provo city R M ROGERS IVI D physician and surgeon office at peoples dru store 1 peasant grove utah all kinds of DENTAL WORK dooe at LOWEST FIGURES artificial teeth and gold fillings a specialty all work teeth extracted with care and skill BOSTON VEGETABLE VAPOR used when desired for the painless extraction of teeth wb SESSIONS first door south spanish fork coop co op spanish fork raj ADVICE TO 6 i f w MRS for children teething is the prescription of one of the beat female nurses in the united land has been used for forty neve failing success by millions of mothers for their children of teething its value is incalculable it relieves the child from pama acores dysentery dyBen tery and diarrhoea griping in the bowels and wind coha by giving health to the child it rests the mother price a bottle KO SHOULD BE WITHOUT tbt majority of the ni of the human body from a diseased aurer alm mona liver regulator Begu lator has been the of more people to health aad by abes a healthy any other agency on earth ia xou oEy the chief or the great sno cess ot hoods Is found in tho article itself it is merit that wins and the tact abat hoods sarsaparilla actually accomplishes comp lishes whai Is claimed lor it Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than eliat ot any other KH i IA ellla or mood purl ment wins hoods sarsaparilla cures scrofula salt cheum and all humors dyspepsia sick headache biliousness overcomes that tired feeling creates an appetite strengthens the genres builds up the whole system Is elsts 1 six for 5 prepared by I 1 hood 6 co apothecaries loreu mass FIRST NATIONAL bakh CITY UTA paid in capital 5 u surplus fund A 0 smoot president 1 T R CUTLER vice prea H I 1 S S JUNES Dire clora JOHN C BEED i si PIKE J W H RECEIVE PAYABLE 08 buy and sell foreign and domestic x chance collections sent us receive pro apt tion and remitted remi tied at lowest rates new york kountze bro san francisco pacific bank salt lake city deseret national bante ZIONS CO 11 GE M K E A g sr d rs 4 fa ga fa SALT LAKE cm at brovo anel cooperative co operative stores AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC ABS TO SELECT THEIR PURCHASES tocci to in tha several 0 Z ivr v J T in salt lake city and the ogden provo and logan brancheau Bran chea crockery hardware Hard wara stoves tools Sot lons Dry Gooda leather findings medicines drugs highest arises dorisd T IS BEEF PORK VEAL SAUSAGE ETC delivery to all parts of the city COOK SCOTT CO SO and reduces pain sooner than dr manns black oil Balso pion man and beast WO alixe will come near any sore when dressed with external in yellow wrappers barns scalds sore heads wire tence cuta scratches etc eschels everything 60 acts and KIDNEY m LIVER complaints any person suffering after this it ie own fault dont care how bad also guaranteed to anro any stage of any other preparation internal grand discounts see testimonials CO |