Show THE count of the vat sum in the vaults of the treasury lias been completed and it is said that the amount is there is said to have been an actual shortage of 23 but the deficit was made by those v ho had charge of the vaults the loss was caused ly the bursting of i large number of the bsh containing the silver clolla owenj to tho fact that they were wet ad bouldy mouldy and rotten the contractor ems to lave done a poor job in building the new silver vault and it leaks these 23 rolled away and could not be found the certificate of treasurer to hib predecessor is however a receipt in full it ia a tribute to the honor of the american people and our institutions that whatever ahat ever may be said upon the stump when alie anent changes hands it is found that the representatives of both parties have been gionest little haa been heard of late about the progress of the work upon the nicaragua canal it appears however that the work on the canal is progressing favorably there are about seven hundred men at work on the canal and with very few exceptions they aro in bood health the of the con railroad rt has been lud ont and engineers quarters arc bein around it there have been i trouble between nicaragua and ciatu alica in reference tu the canal hui lie ini id not regarded ax nr iju As the forward if the work of the canal the people of both countries seem to be in favor of it cities of kansas are now under the government of women ri now serving as mayora and twenty fiva are on caty three are performing the difficult duties of police judy A dozen women are courty su of public instruction and several are acting as clerk or treasurer in addition to these a large number probably are acceptably serving un school baarda electricity from a broken wire killed another mulo in the streets of st louis the other day and yet the kew york experts fear electricity wont remove their murderers mur derera to a certainly they need some of the western article down east |