Show DJ afie waar rally and spirited speeches by the peoples party an enthusiastic meeting of the peo clea party was held in the third ward ast night pursuant to the call of the county central committee thos IS taylor was called to the chair the first speaker was L A wilson who spoke upon the rights of american citizenship and urged the necessity of every one asserting their manhood and dignity at the polls the principles of and freedom have been maintained at the cost of come of the best blood of the nations of the earth the speaker compared the pilgrim fathers with the brave pioneers ut 47 who laid the foundation lor the future state of deseret we are the standard bearers of truth and liberty J C graham said the price of liberty was a dear one we should use our utmost endeavor to maintain our rights as american citizens and assert them at the polls nest monday thereby securing unto ourselves the rights that have been guaranteed by alie constitution the speaker dwelt upon the fraud that was practiced practised in capturing thoele tooele county and ogden city and urged the necessity of the peoples party being on the watch tower and prevent alie liberals practicing practising election frauds to attain theia object viz to get control of the territory at all hazards myron tanner alluded to the fact that he had never failed to cast his vote for the peoples party spoke on alie sec recy of the ballot whereby all of citizens were equally at the polls we should all be united and then success will our efforts he said that the office sl seek alie man and not the man the office and showed very plainly that the taxes were three fourths moie in ogden than in provo for the present year the chair hen extends d the privilege of the floor to any one present who desired to speak when father joshua davis made a few timely remarks all the speaker were applauded |