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Show AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance levying a tax for th.e assessment as-sessment of property on both sides of Main street between South Temple and Fourth South streets, In paving district No. 2, for the purpose of providing for the curbing, guttering, repaying and resurfacing resur-facing thereof. Be It ordained by the city council of Stilt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That the city council docs hereby levy the tax and provide- for the assessment of tho same upon the property prop-erty hereinafter described in paving district dis-trict No. 2 for the curbing, guttering, re-paving re-paving and resurfacing of a portion tht-r -of. to wit: In lots 1 and S. block 76; nnd 2, J and 5. block 75, all In plat A, abutting on both sides of Alain street between South Temple and First South streets. This tax is levied to defray the expense of curbing, guttering, repaying nnd resurfacing re-surfacing the port ion of said stroot. opposite oppo-site the property hereinbefore and hereinafter here-inafter described to be especially affected af-fected nnd benefited by said Improvement, Improve-ment, and it Is hereby adjudged, determined deter-mined and established that said property will ls especially benefited thereby to Ihe full amount, of tho tax heroby levied, and said parcels of land nre hereby assessed as-sessed at an ceiual and uniform rate In accordance with the linear foot frontag" upon wild portion of said street fronting upon and 10 a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, nnd the tax hereby levied nnd to be assessed upon said parcels par-cels of land Is nine thousand nine hundred hun-dred 11 fly-four and OS-100 (.19031.05) dollars, dol-lars, or seven and 5I1C5."-1.000.000 ($7.54165ri) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for curbing, guttering, gutter-ing, repaying and resurfacing said portion por-tion of the street above mentioned In paving district So. 2. there being 1320 1 feet of . .limiting property within tin- ' boundaries of the lots, blocks and street above mentioned, which is the total eost and cost per front foot of suld curbing, guttering repaying nnd resurfacing, according ac-cording to the contract, entered Into for Ihe performance of said work nnd making mak-ing said improvement, with P. J Mornn, dated the 1st day of June. 1901), and the treasurer is hereby authorized and directed di-rected lo assess In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the pur-nose pur-nose herein mentioned. Tho east side ot lots 1 ami S. block 7h. and the wesL side of lots 2, 3. I and ". i block 7S. plat A. Sail Lko Clly survey, as the same tire shown upon tho official plats of said city to a depth of twenty-live twenty-live (23) feet back from said street, and to collect said tax. Section 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in ten equal installments, as follows, to wit: One-tenth thereof om , vcar after the approval of the ordlnnno" ; confirming the levy of the tax for the-payment the-payment for such Improvement; one -tenth thereof in two years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in three years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in four year. aflcr such approval: one-tenth thereof In live years after such approval, one-tenth thereof in six years after suih approval; one-tenth thereof In seven years after such approval; one-tenth thereof In elslu years after such approval; ap-proval; otic-tenth thereof In nine years after such approval: and one-tenth In ten years after such approval. One or more of said installments, or tho whole ta j may be paid on or before ten days after (he approval of the ordinance confirming Ihe lovy of tho lax One or more Installments, Install-ments, or tho whole special tax may b paid on tho day any Installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to date of payment. Each of said Installments shall bear Interest at the rate of six (0) per cent per annum from the date of the approval of the ordinance ordi-nance confirming the levy of said tac until date of delinquency, and eight (S) per cent per annum front delinquency until un-til paid. Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. , Passed by the city council of Salt Lake City. Utah, July 19, 1009, and referred to the mayor for his approval. J. B. MORETON. City Recorder. Approved thiF 20th day of July. 1000. J. S. BitA.YSORD. Mayor. State of Utah, City and County of Salt Lake. ss. I. J. B. Moreton, city recorder of Salt Lake Clly. Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of tin ordinance entitled. "An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of properly on both sides of Main street between South Temple and Fourth South slreels, in paving district No. 2, for the purpose of providing for the curbing, guttering, repaying and resurfacing re-surfacing thereof," passed by the citv council of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 10. 1009, and approved by the mayor July 20, 1900. as appears of record In my office. of-fice. In witness whereof. I have hereunto sot my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said clly litis 20th day of July. 1909. ,1. B. MORETON, (Seal.) City Recorder. Bill No. 100. Paving extension No. (5. Third partial estimate- 1253 i |