Show I 1 ha vein my possession the following described impounded lor trespass tie spass one roan ball 5 or 6 year old walleta wal leoa of neck upper half crop off right 35 on left ribs one red and while steer or ox marbs branded on belt hp oae roan cow 6 or 7 years old blind in eye crop and silt or notch and under ear md las in same marked J brockbank no 12 spanish fork branded C on left ribs one roan steer crop and silt and under bloc in right ear tag in left ear marked J ho 11 spanish forte branded S on le t hip if aad costs on said animals ex within fifteen days from date of this they will be sold to the highest caan bidder a clinton utah conaty at 10 0 on ibe ad day dated at thistle precinct otan county territory of utah this day ol 01 june M V SELMAN precincts I 1 hyc in my possession the following described aulman impounded as or for trespass one black doare two or years old branded w on fishl shoulder i if damage and costs on said animal be not pa d within arteen days irom date 0 this notice it will be sold to ibe cuch bidder at parson naomd at 2 o cloce oa the cah day of july 1889 dated at bayrou precinct utah county territory utah this day ot jane icon saauel et said |