Show aau home byron without hearts there is no home lyttleton Lytt loton how much the wife is dearer than the bridal abd el kaker wo can have many wives but only one mother elitle burritt be ever gentle with the children god has given you Beacons nold it destroys ones nerves to be amiable every day to the human being euripides A wise man in his house should find a difo gentle and courteous or no wife at all douglas romeu must have their wills while they live be cause they make none when they die johnson nothing flatters a man BO much as tho happiness of his wife he is always proud of himself as the source of it washington irving A curtain lecture is worth ail the sermons in the world for teaching the virtue of patience and long suffering herbert spencer dont bo afraid of wild boys and girls they often grow up to be the very best men and women wildness is not viciousness in family government let this always be remembered that no reproof or denunciation is so potent as the silent influence of a good example |