Show AFTER flar judge zane wants dyer to show up HIS ACCOUNTS IN FULL the receiver davs alie order is uncalled for As the herald puts it judge zane is abill camping on receiver dyers trail the following order was read by the judge in the supreme court on saturday united states vs church of jesus christ of latter day saints it is ordered by the court that frank H dyer receiver in the caso of the united states vs the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and others reports to this courts at 2 p m on saturday the respective sums of money received by him as such receiver the names of the respective parties from eliom he received the same at what time from what dource and for aliat the respective poisons who have had it or any part of it and if thu same has been deposited with whom and where deposited or for how long whether any such persons hae paid or agreed to pay for tie use thereof or any part of it if any thing ha been paid the rate thereof and the amount what efforts he made if any to obtain interest and if no interest was asked why not and he is further ordered to state whether he has loaned invested or used said money or any part of it and if a part how much and if any of said sum has been loaned invested or used what lias been or probably will be realized reali qed for such loan investment or use what credit if any he has received for said money or on account of it or any part of it from any bank or person or persons and it is further ordered that he make such answer under oath according to the herald receiver dyer considers the order birely uncalled for as ho had but recently informed the court as to the status of the money and his statement is supported by the following letter united states vs 01 jesus christ of latter day saints to the lion supreme court ulah terri torye alio undersigner undersigned under signed receiver iu the above entitle suit respectfully represents repe to the court that as such receiver ho now has in bis possession the same being on deposit in the following banks of salt lake city viz mccornick co wells fargon co and the deseret national that the said banks do not interest on the money so deposited with them and he same is unproductive in consideration whereof the said receiver respectfully asks the advice and direction of this court whether he shall seek to invest the same and if so in what manner and boon what security or whether shall continue to hold the same until a final decision in the above entitled case is rendered very respectfully FK O K H receiver church of JC of salt lake city june 1 |