Show notes from evanston WYOMING looks desolate compared with ur pleasant fields and orchards in utah this is virtually a stock country and that industry is fast being overdone the old i lormon trail is pointed out to the passing stranger and wonderful stories are told of thy pioneers creeks and names familiar to those early pilgrims are still retained and recognized by the ranchers on the way fort bridger has been built up very beautifully and ia said to be the peasant est poat in the division five companies of infantry are stationed there WILLIAM from passed through here on monday with a bunch of cattle for the bullock ranch on henrys fork will reports lots of fonow and rain on the road making the journey very tedious the late storms have done a heep good to range stock men are feeling s medhat better than before the storms it still rains and snows out here union pacific railway has be xun a series of reductions in order to cut down expenses are only allowed eight hours work per day at the fame price per hour as on the ten hour ry stem two passenger pase enger trains each way every day the Flye rind the gate has been discontinued pay are very numerous and it takes good to procure grass and abitable auit able watering places for them sheep owners are very much encouraged over the prospects this season the cold weather ia severe on tender cambs iambs lambing season is now at its best MESSES LORIS have dis coveted a nirh asphaltum bed near here and the firm will ship a CAT of this material to ogden for sidewalk purposes this week THE territorial insane asylum will be opened here today to day it is estimated ther are patients enough to fill the building in the state evanston ward of latter day sabula are erecting erect inc a very neat meetinghouse there wyo slay 15 1889 |