Show HAZEL KIRKE tha artistic given by the john S lindaay company on wednesday the beautiful domestic four act drama of hazel kirle was given in the theatre by john S lindsay and his company there was a very poor house m consequence of the storm but those who were present were profuse in ex press siona of appreciation mr john S lindaay has seldom appeared to better advantage in provo than he did on wednesday night in the character of dalstan Dan stan kirke his acting was simply brilliant at times and vias substantially appreciated by the audience sir lindsay has good support in miss bailey who played hazel kirke with much feel ins this lady is rapidly improve ing and would be a creditable acquisition to any company she has every requisite for a good actress mr made a very fine squire rodney while mi daniels as Pit green was lery amusing miss edith lindsay was vi ell received as dolly dutton the remainder of the company appeared to good advantage mr lindsay will appear in davson tomorrow to morrow night and we bespeak for him the hearte patronage of the people his company is deserving of support |