Show how true the report is cannot be said but it is rumored that senator plumb of kansas has extorted a promise from the president 10 issue a proclamation granting a general amnesty to deserters from the regular army since 1873 president grant issued such a proclamation in 1876 and since then there have been deserters and only arrests some of the men have become so ex pert in deserting that they have done it four or five time over re enlisting from time to time as they felt disposed under assumed names the motivo of the amnesty is to remove the stain from the personal record of young men who have enlisted and deserted without due comprehension of the enormity of of fesse IT cost chauncey M depow considerable more than glory for the oration lie delivered on the occasion of the re cent washington celebration in new york it is said that unless he sends his check for 1500 to rev edward C towne in payment for literary labor expended upon mr written order in preparing material for that now famous oration dr declared de clarea lie will immediately bring suit for 1000 and use every honorable means to recover that amount dr towne was a member of class the class of 06 in yale college and since graduation the two gentlemen have kept up ic gey and gen longstreet have been to chattanooga to designate certain land marks on the battlefield of chickamauga which it is proposed to appropriately mark A somewhat interesting te coincidence of the trip of the two soldiers is that gen rosecrans commanded the union forces in that battle and is a democrat while gen longstreet who fought on the confederate aldo on that memorably memora blo day is a republican TUB samoan crt ference has come to an agreement in regard to the land commission question and its aide issues also to the restriction of the sale of firearms and spirits to the natives the question of king will be left to the samoans Sa moans it Is doubtful if germany will yield as early to the tripartite principle of government as in the council england showed no leaning either way playing the part of an honest broker THE first execution by electricity ever known is to occur next month in new york state william kammier convicted of murder for the killing of liis mistress tillio ziegler having acon sentenced to buffer tho punishment of death to be inflicted by the application of electricity within the week commencing june this is the first death sentenced under the new law AT lawrence massachusetts on saturday last J of dedham by a standing bop akia and jump of thirty seven feet eight and one halt inches beat the record he cleared forty feet with three et anding jumps A RAILROAD has been projected from st petersburg through siberia to shanghai it is already partly built and will be one of the most stupendous engineering works of modern times when finished passengers will be able to travel from london to shanghai in twenty two days it now requires thirty to thirty five days the russian part of this great iron girdle round two continents will cost not less than the money has already been subscribed to build it four times over it was borrowed in france in russia are built by the government from st petersburg ta shanghai is a distance of miles A railroad more alian miles long is something to make even an american open his eyes over 1000 miles of anis road is already built from moscow to Nov gorod the rest will certainly follow the best engineers of europe havo been surveying and planning alie line for the past fifteen vears TYPHOID fevers and many other diseases are very frequently caused by impure water every family whose supply comes from a well should see that it is kept free from all unwholesome drainage and that no vitiating substance is allowed to get or remain in it drainage from barnyards from cesspools ces spools alofs from the kitchen etc are all sources of pollution which should not be buffered Buff tred to drain into wells as they will do if near the well or allocci all to flow towards it every well should bs carefully guarded in alie cases named TIIE recent count of money at the bew york sub treasury revealed a decre pancy of 35 out if a total to be accounted for alie shortage resulted from alie acceptance of a few counterfeit notes in alie hurry of business and the loss of a few pieces of silver the loss was promptly made good aa a receipt in full given to ox treasurer hyatt bo waa responsible under his bond for the entire amount THE state of colorado and alio city of denver arc making extraordinary pro oa rations for celebrating july ath independence day it is expected that tho will exceed anything in the history of the country west of chicago the chamber of commerce with millions of financial backing intends that no expense shall bo spared preparations are being maje at the united states naval observatory for observing tho total eclipse of the sun that occurs december the sum of which waa appropriated by congress too late to be used for the california eclipse on january ast 1st was subsequently made available for the observation of this eclipse THE efforts of some papers to create booms is a fictitious idea of tha business of a town and the value of its proper putsia to be condemned it reacts and those wbk it was intended to ia are not eatn dc daivd ivd i 1 aay afe |