Show araca salve TUB SALVE in alie world for gutel bruise pores ulcers salt fever sores letter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions anil positively cures piles or no pay required it ia guaranteed to t o faive perfect satisfaction or refunded price 25 smoot A cents co box for sale oy delicious the decoctions decoct ions berged to alie thirsty nad cold at the occidental arc delicious pure and superior firsta lass wines liquors beers ales and cigars family supplies sap plies a specialty angon Prop rs mount pleasant items TIIE late storm which is hardly over yet while it has done a vast amount of good to the farming community of san pete county has also been detrimental to the fruit every kind of fruit is said to be killed but I 1 think we can do without fruit better than we can without bread so we shall not complain ELDER of the firm of kofford aldrice leaves on the inot on a mission to scandinavia we wish elder kofford a pleasant voyage across the while absent from home on his mission of love THE long spell of dry weather had made the old settlers indignant when they saw their water appropriated by newer claims and their grain and lucern wilting down for the want of water MB JB HUNTER was arraigned on the ath dinst charged with disposing of liquor without a license there was insufficient evidence to convict and so the case was dropped U S DEPUTY MARSHALS deade US friendly call last week and also last evening but without doing anything only getting posted perhaps i is strong talk ef a test suit being brought up at an early day to test the legality of the seven pears right IT is reported that a great many cambs iambs are dying from the effects of the snow that has fallen in the hills and on the mountains MOUNT PLEASANT May provo ath ward store permit me to say through your valuable paper that my business since I 1 opened out is booming and I 1 will give the people of provo the credit of knowing when they are not deceived dec eved the unanimous verdict of the people is that they have not tasted so good cheese as I 1 am selling at fifteen cents per pound since I 1 closed out business and the peo ale are perfectly astonished eliat I 1 am selling sugar at ten cents per pound and they actually say they have bean charged double the price that I 1 am selling mixed pickles for they bearg only ten cents per quart and all my other goods in proportion but to me the reason is obvious BO I 1 candidly invite the people to corny along and I 1 am suie they will not be deceived by C the stake tabernacle committal Commit tae recently made arrangements with prof H E giles to engage his services as and for other purposes designed to advance the musical interests of the stake at a salary of per year beauty 16 and admired by all among taft things which may best be done to enhance personal beauty is the daily use ot ayers biair vigor xo matter what the color of the hair this preparation gives it a lus ire and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm should the hair bo thin harsh dry or turning gray ayers vigor will nestoro the color bring out a new growth and render the old soft and shiny for keeping the scalp clean cool and healthy there is no better preparation in the market I 1 am free to confess that a trial of ayers hair vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article ita use has not only caused the hair of my wile and daughter to be abundant and glossy but it has given my rather stunted mus tacho a respectable length and appearance K britten oakland ohio my hair was coming out without any assistance from my wife either I 1 tried ayera hair vigor using only one bottle and I 1 now have ai line a head of hair as any one could wish lor K T dickson tann 1 I have used ayera hair vigor in my family for a number of years and re card it as the best hair preparation I 1 know of it keep the scalp clean the hair oft and lively and preserves the original color sly wife has ased it for a long time with most satisfactory results benjamin M johnson M D thomas hill mo my hair was becoming harsh and dry but after using half a bottle of ayers hair vigor it grew black and glossy I 1 cannot express the joy and gratitude I 1 feel mabel C hardy delavan ayers PREPARED BY dr J C ayer co lowell mass sold by and perfumery perfumers ers SPECIAL NOTICES if your watch or clock is in need of repairing take it to W G hig just call at the east coop co op and view that pyramid ot all kinds of garden seeds they are surely headquarters in that line all subscriptions due for THE ENQUIRER should be forwarded only to J C graham manager RJ dugdale is our local agent and is authorized to collect subscriptions in prove city ENQUIRER co carpenters wanted immediately apply to W E II 11 bupt supt provo L M B co A terrible fall in prices of wall paper decoration etc at pyne maidens Mai bens call and see for yourselves S peterson fashionable tailor half block north of bank corner provo city is makina up suits to order of homemade home made and imported english french and german cloth good fit and first class work guaranteed prices reasonable the enterprise restaurant the new restaurant res known as the enterprise will open tomorrow to morrow wednesday good and well cooked meala prepared remember r the place two doors east of the cosmopolitan hotel it MYERS FELT Prop rs still hi the lead after an unparalleled holiday trade we are again supplied with an immense stock of furniture endless in variety call and see our new cottage organs while the cheapest they are the best we have a line of new home sewing machines TAYLOR BROS tf provo city to the public we are selling our immense stock at such low margins that we will be compelled from now on to refuse giving any credit whatever the public are invited to come and see our well assorted line of clothing etc and examine prices prococo op clothing dept A SINGLETON bupt supt big bargains in order to make room for new goods I 1 ive concluded to make a clearing out of all my ribbons blushes plus hes velvety velvets and velve teens etc at a great reduction in prices dont fail to call and see for yourself before it is too late haky m BILLINGS the oldest house taylor of this city have just loade d an entire car of the finest line of bedroom suites and parlor furniture that the public has ever had the pleasure of seeing this firm also carries about yards of carpet their chicago cottage organ and new home bebing machines beem to be preferred by all who have the pleasure of trying them remember the oldest house in utah county heres something to read snow bros have just received a carload of the celebrated cooper wagon they also have on hand a full line of spring wagons and buggies direct from the manufactures they are able them at salt lake prices and lower they also have on hand the celebrated L I 1 C sulky plow and canton clipper and bacine chilled plow parties needing any of these articles will save 50 per cent by calling on snow bros and taking their prig g TO P H E i BE IN 0 aia cr lt l t e trusses and homoeopathic specifics a specialty in alie lead ray creater Mn ceMents eyer SF brovo Sr OVO we are on the eve of commencing the contemplated enlargement and improvement of conr premises the timo set for tho commencement isono rac june ast 1st for a few weeks after and during tho progress of the work we must necessarily close up take notice therefore that from now on we will sell ont our entire stock of goods at prices that cannot fail to ensure a speedy clearance wo prefer selling oufa at great rather than remove our goods during the of the work this is no advertising scheme wo mean business and propose to do just what we announce aall round at once inspect our stock which is new and varied and up to the times in every respect make your selections and cause joy and rejoicing in your family circles we shall continue to offer special inducements for cash ANDREW EGGERTSEN bupt supt with a handsomely fitted up bar chere the choicest dinv inv iio alaj ayn nio can be obtained sm m R S HIKES provos boom lias arrived and it lias surprised the people of Provo to see that I 1 still carry the largest and most elegant line of jewelry watches opera and field glasses spectacles clocks and silverware in my new establishment that wll he sold at a little above cost I 1 also repair watches clocks and jewelry in a first class manner and give satisfaction to all if I 1 sell you an article and ir proves to be not what I 1 guarantee it please return and I 1 will give you 1000 in return for every you have bought remember the place not the leading but the smallest jewelry house in town watchmaker and jeweler provo city utah full blooded short horn master william will stand at zephi jacobsons Jacob sens barn second ward provo lor the present season the pedigree of this bull is as follows got by roval duke of dark out of may VI sot by duke of missouri may III by duke of missouri may II 11 by fisheye Fi bull mayflower X by general sheridan mayflower IV by gen ceridan Ser idan catherine by lopez lady franklin by prince charles II 11 paint by princ e charles rose of sharon by cornet halley lady of the lake by reformer imp rose of by belvidere terms for the season t y J M DA vis notice to banners Fan ners the farmers of utah county should remember that the west coop co op have on hand plows cultivators harrows and other farming implements which they sell at less than salt lake jobbers call or write for full particulars sapt eggertsen will be more than pleased to quote prices this is of importance to the farmers A bupt supt for sale A thoroughbred holstein bull three years old with pedigree also a thoroughbred freisman bull calf three months old I 1 intend to discontinue the stock business which is my reason for belling DJOHN ap 19 lm gity notice to all young ladies remember that whosoever wears a yellow carter or one with yellow in its I 1 composition on easter day will SUBE LY receive a proposition of marriage before the year is out for sale at the KO TO SAST cor C or sea gull tea is the best for sale at lehi by S egaas american fork by coop co op store and A dunkley pleasant grove by frank beers provo ly alie principal merchants springville Spring ville by deal bro and boyer bringhurst spanish fork by coop co op store and A A dahle salem by coop co op store payson by doulass sons coop co op store nephi by read bryan sanpete county by most of abo merchants produce price liet connected semiweekly semi weekly for the ex by alie east coop co op wheat 75 to 90 per bug oats to per cat cwt barlev to onions 85 potatoes 15 per bushel corn shelled to per cat cwt Cli ickens live 20 to 30 each chickens dressed 20 to 25 per pound eight 10 turkeys 12 to 14 butter 20 to 25 begs 12 per hay per ton hay baided bailed j lucern seed 7 per pound beans white 4 dried anoles 5 dried peaches G dried plums 10 apricots 12 ground cherries 5 dressed bogs 7 home cured biome cured hams 12 bonev cabbage 1 SUPPLIES READY CHILD SON of have oc hand monuments and ready for inscriptions at the lowest prices we get our stock first cost and give our customers the benefits if any settlement from santaquin San to lehi will order three or four headstones we will up gratia we paint our bases which renders them very durable pleasant grove alpine and lehi will please note that our agent at american fork is mary ann parker where we constantly keep our goods on hand orders may b also be left with ebenezer hunter american fork all work warranted jo undertakers carry a full line of undertakers boods WHOLESALE SD RETAIL solid V albat rosewood and barl and coffins of all sizes the metal caskets orders by mall or dispatch attended to liberal discount given to ba trade two boora north of bank provo city cluffy BOOTH mcd |