Show TRAGEDY THE MURDERER ESCAPES BY ft aboa assigned for the bloody deed MASON fob 16 meager details of a dreadful tragedy at glenville minnesota reached hero this morning three young ladies went to the home of an old couple to spend the evening at 7 they started home they had scarcely stepped out of the door when they were shot down by two ruffians the aleman started to go for help while gone the fiends entered the house and killed the old lady joseph 19 years old was the murderer of the three women his victims re mrs phillip chem elko his sister in law her sister mary and their mot her joe had been on bad tereas with his brothers family he got drunk last night and laid in wait for them when the two eirls came out 0 tho house he shot them down and then went into the house and killed the old lady the neighbors were aroused and young Ohe melke would have been lynched if caught one of the girls is daod and the other will die the body of the murderer was found 40 rods from the house he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head the girl who escaped instant death has since died making fur deaths in all A horrible crime N C feb 16 A hor tible crime is reported from bertie county jacob and child oae year old lived near mount olive they bad three negro women servants last wednesday they had a row with the neighbors about a trivial matter in which Faucet fc and wife and a negro woman took part wednesday night faucete was compelled to be away from home during the night several masked men entered the cabin split open the head of the mother and child with an axe then killed two of the negroes the third escaped and brought the news here after the killing the cabin was fired and yesterday yeste iday the charred remains of the four victims were recovered from the ashes by ilia wife BUTTE montana feb 16 john page died suddenly last evening under suspicious circumstances an inquest was held this morning to investigate vesti gate into the cause of his death the testimony of several witnesses was conflicting but that of the de ceas eds year old daughter corroborated by a neighbor revealed the fact that page and liis wife had quarreled for three or four days past and that he died from the effects of poison administered by his wife mrs page was arrested and held for murder cupid burneil lu inti anti POET arch feb IG three children aged 2 4 and 6 sot fire to the house in her absence two were suffocated and the other is not expected to recover on hiir PANAMA feb 15 via galvestor Galve A large number of laborers have been discharged from the canal works the majority of whom left for the west indies costa arica and chili A limited amount of work continues on all the sections of the canal and total suspension is not expected until the middle of march on the alth dinst the and employees were paid an aggregate of between three and four hundred thousand silver dollars A great many people are leaving the isthmus perfect order prevails MX killed by nn cincinnati feb 16 A parkersburg va dispatch bays the of john Q jenks saw mill at murphy pleasant county burst today to day and killed albert carr the fireman jas black the sawyer and thomas ash griffin bayles and chas zinn labor ore mrs jenks who was passing at the time was also killed with alie DAKOTA feb 16 the sheriff has had another tussle with the half breeds in attempting to collect taxes yesterday yeat erday he seized some horses belonging to a half breed the sheriff was overtaken before reaching town by an armed band of fifteen half breeds they took the horses from the sheriff and rode off Latela at bight company A dakota national guards accompanied by the sheriff dunseith Duus eith and made an attempt to arrest those engaged in the scrimmage A ST louis fob 17 one of the most sweeping cuts in the expenses ever made by tha gould interest has just been accomplished the method of economy applies to the missouri pacific tho cotton belt and iron mountain instead of having local i trains to pick up local business the through trains will be compelled to do the work it is estimated the missouri pacifica reduction of train service amounts to fully 2800 miles per day or a saving of a month |