Show dieling dieting for disease 1 in not a few affections special forms of diet ore all t at is ired to ef a curo take for instance a disorder of abo organs of digestion such as dyspepsia if a person suffering from that has fortitude and can practice self denial he may in nearly all instances cure himself if he properly selects and restricts his diet but few care to make the effort or at least to persist in it long enough it is easier and far more agreeable for them to take medicine and so they go on eating and dosing until the disease becomes chronic for rarely can it be cared by drugs alone A person with dyspepsia treating himself should first ascertain what foods are easy of digestion and confine himself to them reducing the quantity taken to the smallest amount upon which he can live and still retain his strength and full vigor he must religiously deny himself those articles of food which he has found by experience to be burdensome to his stomach if the dyspepsia is recent an aggravated grava ted arm this simple method if persisted in for a few weeks will very often be sufficient to effect a cure so itis if one is what is termed bilious he must regulate his diet and content himself with bread milk oatmeal vegetables lean meat and fishy he will usually find plain lean meat easy of digestion provided he does dot eat of it tod much or too often most bilious persons can indulge in it once a day a few cannot tako and properly digest it oftener than every other day on such a diet ahe sufferer from that common disorder if he takes plenty of exorcise is quite sure to recover without the aid of medicine then there is the so called gouty class made up of those who a variety of symptoms borne of the most important of which are referable to the stomach and liver the remedy for many such patients is the milk cure but few people who have spent their lives in nursing their stomachs have fortitude enough to apply tho treatment and if they maka the attempt very generally they return to their old habits on the second or ichird day it really does require enuch firmness to practice the denial needed especially during the week the second week there is jess hardship and one becomes quite content on milk alone taking first i glass of that food every three hours the system becomes accustomed to its use the quantity is then increased to a half pint or a pint slightly warmed several times du ally on such a diet as this the patient if he starts with a full ao petite soon feels that he must actually starve if he continues on it alone he soon loses weight becomes weakened nervous and extremely fretful gradually however he grows more content and his physical and mental balance is restored the different organs become more active and his entire system feels the beneficial effect he learns also that excessive eating is simply a habit and that the amount of food actually demanded for the support of the body is much less than he supposed ho is not likely thereafter to attempt to dig his grave with his teeth |