Show THE keokuk la constitution demo crat devotes a great portion of one of its recent issues to an article entitled crimes of long ago in hancock county in which it says the people and the county have improved wonderfully in forty five years when tho cormons mormons went there in 1839 and 1840 the county contained numerous lawless characters and for some years murder and theft were frequent tho brutal murders of joseph and smith two mormon prophets was doubtless one of the worst crimes in the countes coun tys calendar au murders havo been committed in hancock county not in the brush bat among the best communities passing over tho history connected with the mormon troubles it is found that murder was first punished by death on the gallows in hancock county in 1839 before all tho cormons mormons had arrived alderman walker stigall the sheriff was the chief executioner he had charge ot the stone jail when joseph and hyrum smith were murdered within its walls JUDGE BELL of mount carmel has made public the following maiden bleech oi abraham lincoln delivered in ville near springfield nearly fifty years ago gentlemen and fellow citizens I 1 presume you all know who 1 am I 1 am humble abraham lincoln I 1 have been solicited by many frienda to become a candidate for the legislature my politics are short and sweet I 1 am in favor of a rational bank am in favor of the internal improvement system and a high protective tariff these are my benti ments and political principles if elected I 1 shall be thankful if not it will be all the same THE population vf the united states january was close to for the immigration during the pevious twelve was and at tin rate of increase for previous decades with alie actual grabon added each year the population should have reached the figures above given at the same rate if the gration during the period remaining should amount to the date 0 the next census july I 1 1890 would be about the increase is now more than a mouth AT an investigation of a railroad collision iu the engineer of the colliding colliu ing engine admitted that he had faldin fast asleep as bud bu fire the collision was daa to this fact be haa baa ea iata hnry statistics of the indian schools under management of tho government show a steady growth in the important work of indian education there are eighty biye day schools and twenty two operated under contract with an attendance of 2715 sixty nine boarding schools and forty nine contract schools with an attendance of and eight industrial training schools in all there are schools an enrollment of 1 and average an attendance of the expense last year was in six years the average attendance increased from to 11 A revivalist asked all the congregation who paid their debts to rise tho rising was general after they had taken their seats a call was made fo those alio did not pay their debts and one solitary individual arose and explained that he was an editor and could not pay because all the rest of the congregation gre gation were owing him on subscription REV EDWARD HALE wants the government to pension all teach erd who have faithfully served for fifty consecutive years thin plan is alt right but how many female teachers can you find who will co coless fess to being over twenty five year of age A ago at Linc ulu nebraska a colored man named warwick hil a barber of that city arrested under iff rights bill for refusing ta shave him ane case was appealed to the supreme court which handed down a decision the other day in favor WILLIAM of lowell in waler walking have attracted much attention in new york and elsewhere announces that he will walk ahr ayli tie may ad on ay aier of the thespian club arc busy at work on Nob odys child for the coining st ike conference mr was with them list even iii instructing ehni in adago liona nod business the for llie representation of great eliy y tind monday ad and air waiau wr iau itie eli to morrow night ifa in fridays aue we challenged S S jones judye dusenberry and who accused his journal of wilfully and wickedly mis alie arfi of the Mth odit to point nut a single line in aiu eurt that was fals they have p to ie remained discreetly sil nt no v ial accusation a iid ifal of alie s was it not their purpose ti shift nit ached to their courso on |