Show if y MILITIA CALLED OUT noy IS SCENES 01 windows smashed aud other cars NEW jaa 29 9 a m with AO exceptions except iong every line of street cars in this city are tied up aheu dio last night trip was made each car was run into the stables and at A a m tho great strike commenced up to this hoar no disorder has been reported superintendent murray and inspectors steers williams and cop sand have been at police headquarters sines daybreak consulting with the ambers of the surface roads two police patrol wagons are there in readiness for any and a large number of reserves are ered in the building the long threatened surface road fc rike was inaugurated hero this morning the only card running are those of the third avenue and bleaker street roads tho president the sixth avenue road said ha would run a car this morning over the lines of his route oven if all tho strikers combined tried to stop it the strikers are preparing to do this and they predict the car will not run below eighth street the police reserves aro all on duty in anticipation 0 in all about men have stopped work A lively row occurred at 3 rand street this morning when d crowd of strikers arit J to overturn a car A large mob blocked jhb street when the car started and all sorts of obstructions were placed on the track ane crowd surrounded the car and unhitched the horses the police collected in force and had a hand to band light with the mob despite ahe police however tho crowd litton tho car and threw it bodily off the track the police kept up their attack on the struggling strikers kerb A moment or two after this the crowd became disordered and bean to scatter the police arrested one of tho up to 1130 a m six cars had been sent out and had made trips A num minor scrimmages between the police and strikers had taken place about 3 were dispatched from police headquarters to thirty third estreet and third avenue where a riot was reported to bo in progress preparations have been mado in brooklyn to call out the thirteenth nineteenth and twenty third regiments in ease of a riot arising out of the atlantic avenue horse car tie up the company has decided not to run any cars at present the police authorities ties in brooklyn unlike those in new york appear to bo in thorough sympathy with the strikers mr son of the proprietor of the road the brooklyn aldermen to revoke companas comp anys charter he said this bauld not bo dona by As the afternoon janod the tied up lines which had run out cars during the day housed their rolling stock and their now men and comparative compari tive quiet followed the activities of the daytime about 6 when the last sixth avenue car reached the depot the police were relieved tb e strikers however remained in the neighborhood of the stables there was was great excitement at sweaty third street and tenth avenue all day the strikers at one tima stopping and overturning a car before tho police had time to gather in force ahe greatest excitement prevailed about the fourth avenue stables where strikers were gathered two or three efforts wore mada to run cars A email police force was on hand A car finally started but ran into a pile of ashes dumped by tha strikers the latter quickly made a demonstration but were routed by iho police and their ringleader ar rested the crowd got oven by smashing tho car windows with stones and injured slightly a lady ger at sixty third street n twenty third street car was stopped in thu middle of the fourth avenue tracks ahe conductor was put oaf the passengers driven out and tho car over turned quiet a serious time aia imminent but the police made a vigorous demonstration with clubs and scattered tha crowd other cars aure also stopped at this point abight seers lined tho avenue and greatly interfered with the police many of the strikers were intoxicated late in aba afternoon the companies on the east side determined to run no more cara and the browda began dispersing the forty second cross tofu made four unsuccessful attempts to run a car one manned by twenty policemen encountered serious opposition at seventh avenue where the strikers had barricades barricaded barrica ded the tracks the policemen removed the obstructions and the strikers began to throw stones two officers were badly cut about the face before the crowd scattered every patrolman in the city not on duty tonight to night was kept at the stationhouse stati and a full dorco will be out tomorrow to morrow master workman mcgeo of the strikers order called on mayor grant today to day and complained that the police making themselves them solves too officious fi ano mayor informed him that he had no doubt the police officials would act with discretion the quiet of tonight to night the feature of the situation is the apparent tendency of the strikers to intoxication many of them tonight are under the of liquor and it is feared serious bonso conso quinces tomorrow to morrow tho evening berghs society cirod fifty italians to and water the horses of the belt lines on the way to the stable tinder police escort one of them slipped and fell on tho sidewalk and despite the presence of the police was set upon and brutally beat by a number of tha strikers who lounging about NEW jan SO the street car tie up continues this morning the strikers str ikera overturned a wagon on tho grand street track JL portion of tho police reserves were called out and dispersed abo mob Trouble is feared only a few cars will be run today to day A car on sixth avenue started at 9 guarded by tareo policemen at bleecker Bleeck or and carmine streets they were overpowered by the mob and th cara had AH A H m quarters have been asked to send assistance si A large crowd of strikers and their sympathizers began to assemble early at the stables of the bell line additional dit ional police arrived and cleared the sidewalk the excitement is at fever heat it was said if the cars started there would be bloodshed because the strikers were getting des twenty five hundred police are on duty the broadway line will start cars at noon or 11 the strikers gathered at bedford and carmine streets and overturned half a dozen wagons on the sixth avenue track and compelled ashmen to dump their loads on the tracks milk cans and heavy scattered along the entire block the police on duty were roughly bandied till the relief squad arrived and dispersed the crowd at noon a bolt line car left the stables escorted by policemen at fifty ninth street the tracks were found obstructed the car returned to the bam and no more will be sent out this afternoon the strikers obstructed ted the broadway tracks and tore up the rails at forty fifty street but escaped before the police arrived tho at sixth avenue and eighth street were also obstructed forty trips have been made on the grand street liuo the cars being followed by beera yells and sometimes a shower of stones many of the strikers are drunk and declare ahr cars must stop even if there are lives lost in doing it serious is feared it is rumored the of the sixth avenue line have been called out the state board of arbitration met here but has taken no action the state railroad Eail road commissioners are bearing the grievances of the strikers the determined efforts of the strikers to check the running of ahe third avenue cas has been entirely unsuccessful and this is a very disquieting feature to the strikers many of them are getting the car company today to day secured a alree number of new men and ad efforts to start the cars will be made in the morning ane waiters of the park avenue hotel this evening refused to serve food to tho policemen who were sent in thre and the officers had to get them elsewhere judge hilton who controls the hotel declared to night that he would close up abo house sooner than have ano reputation for such work at sixth avenue and fifty ninth streets at 4 this afternoon the through cars manned by scabs were attacked and overturned stones and other missiles new ia volleys at the drivers and conductors but a determined charge by the police dispersed the crowd and tho ring leaders were arrested A fourth avenue car was attacked on seventy seventh street by a crowd hidden behind a brick pile they stoned tho car with bricks and stones breaking all the windows but not injuring the occupants many of the strikers were paid off today to day and there is a great deal of drunkenness to night which is very disquieting to tho police i I 1 BALTIMORE jan 29 the sun will i say tomorrow to morrow in a special dispatch i from washington of the various documents transmitted by the to explaining the course of the department of state in the samoan complication the letter of prince bismarck to baron yon of the german legation at washington in november 1887 and the reply of secretary bayard through minister pendleton Pend loton in january 1888 are perhaps the most interesting as presenting in a clear and interesting way the respective claims of germany and the united states prince bismarck in his letter refers to complaints before made of the anti ger man attitude observed by american consul general sewall during ger banys action against malietha Malie toa bismarck added that germany had had a similar experience with the predecessor of sewall on all occasions whenever that government endeavored deavo red in view of the unsettled state of affairs in samoa to obtain guarantees for the protection of german subjects and their commercial interests the reports of our representatives senta tives in africa for the past seven years a ays he repeatedly contain the complaint that their american colleagues showed at tendency to interfere with our relations with the samoan government and imbue the latter with a of germany at tha outbreak of hostilities of 1881 when the commander of tho german ship morve on the requisition of the german consul at abia apia and in an agreement with tho samoan govern occupied abia apia in order to protect the foreign settlement the american consul dr dawson protested against th and caused the editor of an apian paper to publish a baries of articles containing injurious statements against germanas germanys Germ anys cepro it cannot bo conceived that consular officers who do not ro infect the limits of their task and who cause by their conduct in ter national ill feeling between countries entertaining friendly relations toward each other act in the interest of their government with which germany since the foundation of the american union has been connected by friendship flouro the einbu ax indianapolis INDIA jan 29 it was discovered te day that joseph A moore the half million dollar embezzler from the connecticut mutual life insurance company probably fearing arrest and imprisonment had concluded to fly to a of safety his attorney admitted to maht that moore had gone to canada but to what point ho did not know investigation ti of the book proceeds proc eods but tho amount of his shortage is not increased over the figure |