Show wanted immediately people to call and take advantage of our closing out sale of winter dress boods ladies and childrens coats and wraps all of our winter goods to be sold out at coat to make room for our spring arrivals prices guaranteed to be the cheapest in town call and be convinced respectfully EAST coop co op 1 I dont want relief bet coro is the exclamation of thousands suffering from catarrh to nil such we say catarrh can be cured by dr sages catarrh it has been done in of cases why not in yours your danser is in delay enclose a stamp to worlds dispensary medical association buffalo N Y for pamphlet on this disease golden medical discovery purifies the blood the lunga and invigorates vig orates the whole system delicious warm beverages the decoctions decoct ions served to the thirsty and cold at the occidental are delicious pure and superior lass hii es liquors beers ales and cigal a family supplies a specialty W M WILSO wanted 50 tons of lucerno and wild hay 50 50 barley 10 car loads of lucerne seed 25 good clean wheat for which we will pay the highest market price all those desiring to dispose of nice select fruits had better consult with the provo east coop co op we have beyond a doubt the finest cheapest and most fashionable dress goods and suitable buttons and trimmings ever shipped to aliis city no trouble to show goods as we take particular pride in our present selections call and be convinced at the PHOTO EAST COOP CO OP button button who has the button why the EAST COOP CO OP still in abe lead after an unparalleled holiday we are again supplied with an stock of furniture endless in variety call and see our new cottage gorgios while the cheapest they are the best we have a line of bew home sewing machines TAYLOR provo city removed having removed to my new place of business opposite the theatre I 1 wish to express my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage in the past and hope that I 1 may in the future merit and equal patronage my motto being everything farat class at lowest prices H OSTERLOH lumber for sale I 1 have a large assortment of building lumber shingles etc for bale cheap call at G W building contractor ath ward troyo arnica salve THE BEST in the world for cuts bruises sores salt cheum fever sores setter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded frice 25 cents per box for sale oy smoot co garden and flower seeds given away arito for our illinois catalogue of SEED get seed grown at home the best in the world send card now to M N S co box salt uka city f allm SPECIAL NOTICES if your watch or clock is in need of repairing take it to VV G hig iley P madsen mad sen son will fill all orders for fish on short notice to any part of the country address P 0 box 27 provo city for the nest thirty days we will sell at less than cost our remaining stock of gents fine underwear and ladies mufflers leggings fine mits hose etc at W C A SMOOT gos for sale A fino brick house located in the centre of payson city apply to dr swan payson aja 29 notice s the annuel meeting of the stockholders of the upper east union irrigation company will be held iu the courthouse fiovo city saturday february the second at 7 p m A full attendance is desired G E deev PROVO CITY jan tf 2 notice Is hereby given that the undersigner undersigned is not for any debts contracted by his wife mrs eliza smith after this date P A SMITH P V jan notice come to goshea to get your grinding don always plenty of water customers from a distance given the preference quantity and quality guaranteed s 18 tf HENRY ER the new y peterson the practical tailor has just returned from salt lake city and opened a tailor shop on centre street he is prepared to do first class aock at reasonable prices people wanting anything in that line just call in half block west of bank corner provo city big bargains in order to make room for new goods ive concluded to make a clearing out of all my ribbons blushes plus hes velvety velvets and velve teens etc at a great reduction in prices dont fail to call and see for yourself before it is too late BILLING a take notice all persons are warned against buying the following described property belonging to jane H thomas or lier heirs the north corner lot on block south of the new academy block fourth ward children of the said jane H thomas PROVO jan t THE gy f hotels 1 as wow for the of the public FIRST IN EVERY RESPECT located on centre street in the heart of the city especially convenient for all commercial and other business men arrangements can he made for board ate either by tho day or week wm D hildren 1 castcel Cast crl cares colla 1 sour stomach eructation known tone H A j fo 5 elvea 11 son Broo ays y y g without injurious tee street y Y for alie next twenty days we will specia inducements on As we wish to reduce our stock previous to stocktaking we have an assortment of mn ANS boysa imn HATS AKU CAPS we will dispose of at cost also a job lot of alilis cioth the original Ori sinal cast of which is per vard and which ive lull sell AA GO bents d to close tham out A SINGLETON manager DRUGS TOILET ARTICLES ii m LL i w i i i comer of seventh and I 1 streets provo with a handsomely fitted up bar where the choicest IMPORTED mm ceils can be obtained E HINES A VALUABLE FOK TOE NORTH SOUTH AND WEST this plant is especially adapted to dry soils bands gravels and barren regions where rain fall Is scarce and irrigation not easily obtainable it is green ou the year ronn and produces ahrea crops sometimes five II 11 established will bund eix to or nore years the quality of the fodder where successfully grown Is better than that of clover or lucerne 21 ib per romi per ib pest pali aae oar illustrated and descriptive catalogue for iseo containing prices of vegetable flower and arco seeds grass and clover seeds onion sets seed potatoes seed corn fertilizers garden seed drills and cultivators etc is now ready and will be mailed free to all address PLANT SEED PAMY 82 S H FOUR S H ST ST LOUIS MO IS bi i H i OFFICE ard 3rd door south of post bince ito 33 aae esi wholesale uli n aji jl a a JL fi f n i we guarantee alo prices YOUR ORDERS ARE SOLICITED coop co op general farming implements u aud all kinds of EXCELSIOR lathe place to get the CHOICEST and CHEAPEST MEAT in town with all the latest cuts FRESH labat EVERY orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts of the city 1 fe hii for U gates OPPOSITE THE COURT BOUSE bats y is ip ys ovo ij tali just fitted with first class modern improved machinery B afif paip j hiruy ya diw bmw S ala C 0 SL fash prica M cosat and all kinds of FEED KEPT OH free delivery to all parts of the city 1 manager correspondence solicited T E DANIELS jr THE hag returned and nill of his photo business at the Z 33 OP jario here he invites all his old friends as well as new ones that feel disposed to come and have a dozen FIEST CLASS CABINET and stamp photos for only TS WA AT THE Is doing a large 3 abuy trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest AND PORK shop on smoot block opposite meeting house jfred delivery to any part of prevo notice all those knowing themselves indebted to the provo east coop co op will pleasa call as we are preparing lor our setti anual stocktaking stock taking ail deliaa ent accounts will be turned over to the board 0 directors after february by order of the board p W C sapt |