Show athla powder varies A marvel ol 01 parity and moie economical than abe ordinary kinds am cannot be eold in competition with of low test short weight chaio powders hold only r cans badiyo howdek co loa wall st NY WALTER R PIKE MD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO AT 2 blocks north of depot physician surgeon PAYSON UTAH office at shores bros drug store G W SHORES ivl D W E WARMER evl D physician and surgeon AT RESIDENCE tro and ft half blocks east from coop co op store spanish fork utah AUCK 0 A formerly ot kansas sutherland attorneys and counselors Conns elors at law will in all the courts ot ahe terri doiy osce do stairs fletcher biala street proto utah B ATTO R rl EY AT LAW OPS ICE no 7 bank building E KO VO CITY DR C E from london BOTANICAL cures saint vilna dance epileptic fits all nervous diseases seminal weakness and impotency by ie london treatment aagaat for Hydra stia aterine supporter bu DENTISTRY in all of deatel vors adone ot the lowest geld and platina amalgam pilling a specialty all work warranted to fit or the money will be refunded tho lowest figures fur dental wort ever given anywhere JM over reeding koom centre street DR JOHN RIGGS AND SURGEON tho treatment of and chronic diseases in which he has bad upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO city UTAH R M ROGERS M D physician and surgeon office at peoples drug store grove utah AT THE MO Is doing a large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEP MUTTON AND PORK shop on smoot block opposite meeting house jar se delivery to any part 0 provo IN THE LEAD always on hand the AND MEATS OF EVERY KIND or send your orders and wo will promptly fill them every day we have fresh pork sausage the nicest in the market COOK SCOTT S CO 4 doors west of post office EXCELSIOR Is tho place to get the CHOICEST and EST MEAT si Town with all the latest cuts FRESH EVERY orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts of the alty Sigi iest mal fries M for fit calm t 1 N 30 ri a salt JEUie um with its intense itching dry hot skin often broken into painful cracks and the little watery pimples often causes indescribable suffering hoods kaaa paril labas wonderful power over this disease it purifies the blood and expels the humor and the skin heals without a scar send for book containing many statements of cures to 01 hood co apothecaries koweil mass ash for ay sarsaparilla and be sure you get it when you want the best blood purifier K with its forty years of unexampled suc f cess in the curo ol 01 blood diseases you j can make no mis j take in preferring ayers sarsaparilla to any other the forerunner fore runner ot mod medicines ayers sarsaparilla is still the most popular being in great er than all ja 3 others combined acerb is sellin ff faster than ever before I 1 never hesitate to recommend it george W whitman druggist albany ind I 1 am sate in saying that my sales ol 01 ayers sarsaparilla far excel those of any other and it gives thorough satisfaction L II 11 bush des moines iowa ayers sarsaparilla and ayers pills are the best selling medicines in my store I 1 can recommend them conscientiously tiou sly C bickhaus Bick baus pharmacist goseland Ho seland we have sold ayers sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood purifier W T druggist augusta ohio I 1 have sold your medicines tor the last seventeen years and always keep them in stock as they are staples there is nothing so good for the youthful blood as ayers sarsaparilla R L fox lake wis ayers sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medicine I 1 have in stock I 1 it or as the doctors say 1 I prescribe it over the counter jt never fails to meet the cases for which I 1 it even where the doctors prescriptions hae been of no avail C F callhoun Cal lioun monmouth kansas ayers sarsaparilla BT dr J C ayer co lowell mass price sl elx tott lea 5 worth 5 6 bottle when baby iras aide ro g her castoria she if as a child she cried for castoria when she became she clima to castoria when eh had children she gave them castoria coop co op i spanish fork DEALERS IN genera merchandise farming implements and all lands of OE 4 0 hf y r for infants and children castoria cotea colic I 1 recommend it as superior to any j sour stomach diarrhoea eructation known to nie TTA 1 D P P slad Prot ss m 80 olford st Ero K Y THE cvitam 77 hurtay street N Y baa OH abass Q OA LUNG 5 r sod ly lair ir jetor sale by all aror sale tay all great english Ben iedy murrays Mur rays specific MARK y A guaranteed cure for all nervous wiss as weak medory loss wy of brain power hi headache gf pain in t tie back nervous tion Wakeful netis uni and general loss of bouer of he generative in either hex c bueil bi indiscretion or over exertion and which ciui tiui ead to age tand sl 0 a box TRADE or six boxes for sent y mail v on ie beldt of price full in pamphil pAm phIt sent tree to every ap we guarantee six boxes to cure any case for every 5 00 order received ra send ats a written ante to gerund the mey if our specific dees not enece a cure address all communications to S ie manufacturers THE CO kansas CUy iIo sold in provo OY DR 0 E 0 undertakers carry a full line of undertakers boods WHOLESALE AND RETAIL walnut rosewood and burl casket and coffins of all sizes the metal caskets orders by mall or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade two doors north of bank provo city CLUFF BOOTH ico SPANISH foak operative cooperative CO DEALERS IN mm GRAIN agypt Ay pT 07 boots sand san d alioe s x x nm FLOUR ON vt merchandise asur or G ain FILLED ON SHORT jS OTICE JOHN JONES bupt supt PEOPLED CO OPERA institution lefel UTAH CO nr general merchandise atts lumber doors windows ETC ETC T B bupt supt CIGARS FREE ta our new clar we will U ordered u one dellver of theu 2 boxen afi GO cliftn eboh buile to nr post or office in the U 8 aio on year t ta tx of conr loll tra the raw ansar note nd dar H W ab SL 0 6 s sr 3 ai DR SHOE BRIDGES BOTANIC bi aiters alie gt greatest restorer and life Pro loner ji Americ ti DR SHOE BRIDGES VEGETABLE A certain cure cu re VOT CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR SHOE BRIDGES mm mm mm A specific for oravel and A II 11 kidney abid E B dang stare centre st provo diw ai eliy s the stage between and eureka will run TIRI W esa SI 2 OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving eureka and on SUNDAYS OF haach one wll leava another connecting at gahen in dinner staines will connect same daty with passenger from nanta quin throng ti to cureka at 4 p ro leave at 30 a asun acil w THE KEEPS AN AMPLE AND OF ready mixed paint paintbrushes PAINT BRUSHES OILS Diamon dWall finish etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES MD NOTIONS proprietor 0 PORTRAIT LAMPS AT aenlle VEn LLE headquarters FOR THE fl OBAL II 11 RECORD of the etc of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints JAMES av STOCKING YARNS JEANS and FLANNELS DEALER IN general merchandise CASH PAID FOB W 0 0 7 deff restaurant 1 MEALS AT ALL HOURS rike assortment OP CAK acs C ASB otlien confectioner constantly ON HAND f V 12 blocki tyest of tank corner CENTRE STREET PROVO JOHN prop SUPPLIES READY THOMAS CHILD of springville Spring ville have on hand marble Moan ments and headstones eady fop inscriptions at the lowest prices ve get oar stock first cost and give our customers the benefits if any settlement from to lehi will border three or four headstones we will put them up gratis we paint conr aliases which renders them very durable pleasant grove alpine and lehi will please note that our agent at american fork is mary ann parker we constantly keep our goods on r hand orders may be also be leff with ebenezer hunter american fork all work T a L AS an fn THE MARCS OF PRO ATTI T is tie jafe of trade and ir you hare not seen our latest goods yon imagine how lively trade Is or bow bard our competitors have to work to keep within bight or vs ask tor the JAMES measy MEAS 2 83 or the jauet MEANS SA to your needs positively none genuine unless having our namo and price plainly on the solea your retailer trill supply yon with shoes eo stamped it you insist upon bis doing so it yon do not awaa retailers will coax yen into baying interior shoes upon which they make a larger profit bach has baen the recent progress in our branch ot industry that we are now abio to affirm that the james means 1 ahoe Is la every equal to the shoes n alch only a few years ago were retailed at eight or ten dollars it you will try on a pair you will be convinced that we do not exaggerate ours are the original 3 and 1 shoes and those who imitate our of business are unable to compete with as la of factory products in our hues we are the largest manufacturers in the united states one of our traveling salesmen who ts now visiting the shoe retailers ot the coast caal mountain antes from thero as follows 1 I am more than with the results of I 1 hav thus far succeeded in una la the hand ot A no 1 dealers in every point I 1 hato visited ho goes oa to say this to a region to sell sheea in because most of the retailers are charging their customers cust omere at retail about double the prices which the shoes have coat at wholesale the consequence Is that the people who wear shoes are jaylne six 0 seven dollars a pair for shoes which are not worth as much as our JAMES MEANS sa and S our shoes with their very low retail prices stamped oa the adlea ot caery pair are breaking down the hah prices which have hitherto buted in the retail markets here and when a betau r puts agull una ot krods iu bis stock they at once begin to go off ube hot cakes so great to the demand tor them kow und reader lust stop and lder what tha above signifies so tara syon are concerned it bagares yon that it you keep shoes no manufacturers namo or fixed retail price stamped on the soles you cannot tell what you are getting aud your retailer Is probably making you pay double what your shoes have cost him now can ou abord to do this while we ar protecting you by stamping out name and the fixed retail priced upon the soles of our shoes batore they haave laave our factory so that you cannot be made to pay more tor your shoes than they are worth 7 iskohi from oar celebrated factory arc bold by talde a orbke retailer in H 0 ati e coa airy we will place them harily within your reach in any state or territory U you will labut oatt st bossoh a jwj Q 2 S Z rth VATER designed for all purposes where limited quantities of water and high heads are utilized guaranteed to give moie power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnished on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of this form of construction as well as the ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe cases free of cost by applying to the manufacturers jardes 8 CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper has no equal stands alone as the CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER and cure for rheumatism no now sold is so ully endorsed by physicians and druggists complete formula printed on eacle bottle ASK FOR BROWNS USE NO OTHER THE GOOD for coughs colds hoarseness sore throat bronchitis croup and various affections of the THROAT aad LUNGS prepared only by the BROWN MEDICINE CO 0 aj aden utah awe guarantee legitimate prices YOUR ORDERS ARE solicited PROVO WEST MEAT MARKET always on hand the choicest beef mutton pork etc to be had anywhere in town DELIVERED promptly shop next door lowest coop co op joa NUTTALL S ferlys ferrys seeds are acknowledged to be the largest Seeds men L in the world WD I 1 SEED ANNUAL R for 1889 le dilce bal to nil and jan ru t SS OT raw v tta f COE asty OF BRASS IRON CASTINGS castings for store fronts MILL WORK loi ork for jails bridges buildings fences etc manufacturers of utah valley birou k mfg mag gos the largest establishment of the kind south of salt lake the very best work guaranteed agents for water wheels and steam engines STEAM BOILERS REPAIRED old iron wanted JOHN DEVEY bupt supt workshops cor L 9 streets form ealr known as hal MOWERS STAGE LINE 0 BETWEEN to THISTLE AND FAIRVIEW U T stage leaves for thistle station on G ballway every tuesday and friday at 5 amand arrives as thistle at 1 p m in time tor trains leaves thistle lor wednesday and j saturday at 9 m arriving at I 1 5 p m in timeto connect with the stage at mount pleasant HENRY MOWER prop LOANS on long time and low rate of interest I 1 have recently an office for the purpose of makins CALL AND SEE ME office bank and P 0 0 S THOMPSON TO F i |