Show THE D R G EXTENSION the course of the proposed eio grando construction the course of the denver eio grande extension to salt lake city will be it is stated from glenwood springs to the mouth of eifle creek thence up that creek for a short distance to an opening which has been found in the great hogback anil over to the head of pi cs ance creek which stream will be followed to I 1 the white river at the mouth of pice pi ce ancel a new town to be known as white river city will be established the course till be pursued along the white river canyon crossing green river at baray agency and following up the du chesne divor and strawberry creek to its head which is at spang ville a short distance from provo utah the rio grande western track will then either be paralleled or utilized by arrangement to salt lake city this route has been surveyed and le surveyed and pronounced practicable for a standard guide railway child it will not only materially shorten the distance between denver and salt lake it will also open to the rio grande what has been discovered to bo conff of the most promising sections of the new west this promises to open to the colorado midland an opportunity for which it has long been waiting the continuation of its line down the grand river from new castle to grand junction and thence a arrangement with the rio grande S western on to Salt Lak city A telegram from new york indicates that the midland people already have an important move in contemplation which is thought to be none other than this one in addition to the determination on the part of the rio grande people to build and operate a standard guage through to salt lake the road also will have a new branch from Sa pinero to lake city A valuable mining district will thus be reached denver |