Show ana decision of judge henderson in the case of hays vs corey involving the validity of the law passed by the last as the municipal law sustains the legality of the statute but decides against the plaintiff in other words judge henderson declares that the action of the city council of ogden in dividing that city into municipal wards aa provided by the statute referred to was illegal the suit was a political move as the action of the council destroyed the hopes of the liberal party of carrying ogden at the city election next february in an election nt large the liberals consider that they have a good fighting chance to carry the entire municipal ticket whereas is an election by wards they know their opponents would for an indefinite number of yeara to a majority of the councilmen hence tho objections of the liberals of ogden to a division of that city and hence then opposition to every move made looking to such division A suit was planted by them to prevent the taking of the census but they lost it returns of the census being duly made governor west issued a proclamation as required by law declaring ogden to be a city of the second class whereupon the city council acting upon the presumption that all the requirements of the law had been complied with by taking the census and having the city declared by the executive to belong to the second class en acted an ordinance dividing tha city into five municipal wards tha divisions destroyed the hope entertained by the liberals of capturing the city ment at the next election and they de sd to annul the action of the city council if possible in pursuance of this purposes pur poss the present action before judge henderson was instituted all the parties to it being liberals rals MAGAZINE for january bagins the year with fresh attractions and increased merit the two steel plates are charming in subject and engraved with great delicacy aud finish zoar and the Zo arites by G W is a very interesting illustrated article and there is also an illustrated story between two bew years by george grant which ig delightfully told edgar and the author of A second lifo begin denala which open with great brilliancy and promise the short stories are as good as they are varied and the care of the sick by miss scovil is an admirable and valuable paper the mammoth fashion plate gives the newest and most effective styles for costumes the worktable and embroidery patterns are the prettiest any magazine can boast the supplement has a handsome design for ft bedspread bed spread it is noticeable as being the largest pattern ever given by any publication try peterson for a year and you will not regret it need of legislation amending existing provisions of the united states statutes relating to the judiciary is dwelt upon in the annual report of the attorney general it is well known that as a matter of fact the existing provisions have been outgrown by the antl y increasing business of the country but unfortunately in the pressure of more exciting questions matters of this kind however important continue to be overlooked the attorney general declares that it ia impossible to over estimate the necessity that bowex ests for a change and he renews with the suggestions looking to this end which he made in liis last report he calls upon congress to make some change thai will remedy the evils so generally complained of whether that change bo in accordance with the views advocated by him or not undoubtedly congress should take some steps in relation to the matter but the outlook for speedy action in referenda refe renca to it ia by no means hopeful it 13 said the inter abate commerce commission have never befaro un eartner as much crookedness ns is revealed by the present investigation now going on in chicago it appears that all the roads have been employing sc alpers to sell their through tickets much below the regular rates thus permitting the roads to quote higher proportionate onate rates for short distances the commissioners decided this must be stopped it is said they will decision that the roads which cut their rates through sc alpers are guilty of a violation of the law managers of the loads were called before the commis adonera on wednesday and had the riot act read to them TUB idaho legislature convened mon dayon tuesday evening gov stevenson delivered his message to both branches lu it ho recommend that the belling oi whisky tobacco or opium to lai nors toe made a felony A long dissertation was given upon the labor question he suggests that county commissioners be elected for years and also recommends a new apportionment of the territory for re embers of the legislature if cormons mormons have in good faith abandoned polygamy they should be allowed to vote the treasury shows a balance in favor of the territory for last year of about A convention be called to organize a state government french newspapers say if the issue cf the panama canal loan proves a failure the french government in conformity with the proposal of the estr T parliamentary commission will introduce a bill in the chamber of deputies to enable the company to meet its engagements A new company under the of tho credit fanner will then purchase the canal some time ago we published the fact ahat a san francisco portrait house had ben sending printed circulars to our citizens asking them to send their photograph to be enlarged and that the only cost attached would be their promise to show it to their friends we pronounced them as frauds that they areis evidenced from the fact that mr george taylor the furniture dealer sent them his pic in deply was he would have to purchase a aranio from them in which to put it and that the frames were only thirty dollars mr taylor immediately wrote to them and demanded his picture after a long time he finally received it through mails all smashed up should avoid those firms who offer to give them something for nothing in this issue mr henrichsen the provo pottery man makes an announcement to the public that should have great effect while leopla ara looking around them and wondering what alio can purchase for presents they turn their attention to those neat pretty terra cotta vases made at the pottery they are just suitable for presents and are all shapes and designs not only that they are made at home miss hannah billings has a full line of ladies misses and childrens coar fordable for table corset waists she is agent al so for the williamson combination corset and shoulder brace just the thing for weak lungs and shoulders call and examine your wasted cheeks may havo all the plumpness and bloom of health through your use of ayea sarsaparilla this time honored remedy still leada the van it improve di digestion purifies the blood and invigorates the system give it 2 trial if you want to feast your eyes on something good go down to bonn gos store and see that fine display of christmas fruits and candies in the window it is rich and makes a gereon step inside and purchase whether he want to or no all the latest goods in plush for millinery and dress trimmings at hannah billings also white and colored kid gloves silk and linen handkerchiefs fine things for xmay presents just arrived an endless variety of knit boods consisting of ladies misses and childrens hoods caps and gans infants jackets in the very newest styles at hannah billings there is nothing more suitable to send to an eastern friend for xmay than picturesque Uta hor wild flowers of the exhibited at the book and stationery sterei W M wilson has bought out the occidental saloon frem ike fordonski it remains to Q seen whether bill will run as quiet and orderly house as did his predecessor thomas theder broo droo restaurant tau rant is making a fine window dis play with hia homo mad and imported candies confectionery etc the old factory store recently purchased by the provo coop co op aa now stocked with an immense variety of holiday goods for tha latest novelties in millinery at the lowest prices go to miss hannah billings A london preacher placarded pla carded tho city with notices that he would preach in spurgeons Spur geons tabernacle on the aub eject thoro was fi large whom he announced tho text f stand thou still awhile and then said that his sub beci was of life |