Show ADMISSION the democrats in congress it DELEGATE CAINE MAKES AN EARNEST APPEAL A separate bill to bo presented for her admission washington december 13 the democratic caucus to session lasted over three hours and adopted the following resolution fabia ha bia the judgment of of this caucus provisions should be made by which dakota may be admitted into the union as one state or two states as the people of the two proposed states may hereafter determine also that necessary legislation ought to be p ro aided vided for the early admission into the union of the territories of washington ananew mexico that these measures embodied in one bill either by an amendment to the pending bill or otherwise as to details as tho committee on territories shall determine and that an order for the consideration of thenea should an early day and the bill considered in the house at the earliest day practicable utah although not mentioned in resolution it was agreed should be admitted into the union but by a separate bill the dakota question then became lost sight of temporarily in the discussion over the question whether utah should be included in the omnibus bill delegate caine of utah made an earnest appeal for the inclusion of his territory in the proposed bill he said polygamy was now no longer practiced to any extent and the democratic pirty not undertake to deny utah admission solely because of the religious belief of some of her citizens breckinridge Breckinrid ga of kentucky seconded the appeal saying utah would probably be the only democratic state in the lot and ought not to be omitted after further discussion the committee on territories ri wee requested by a vote showing a small majority in favor of the proposition to prepare and to present to the house a separate bill for the admission of utah speaker carlisle and judge holman then addressed the caucus in favor of ane omnibus bill to include all the territories ri having a ratio of population entitling them to one member in congress cos doeer the debate in a speech in which he asked members to accept th position of judge holman leaving the dakota question to the people of the territory and providing for the ad mission of the other territories named holmans resolution as amended by a suggestion from Speaker carlisle was then adopted and the caucus adjourned sixty members were ia attendance at the caucus and it was evident they had come nearer an understanding since the previous night cos opened the proceedings with a long speech in concluding which he said he opposed utah coming in on the omnibus bill but was willing to defer to the wish of the caucus and accept the measure provided it was understood dakota should have the privilege of division dockery of missouri wheeler sf alabama blount of georgia dansare Man sare of missouri rice and mcdonald of missouri of washington territory and ochria took the same ground oats and herbert of alabama and of tennessee stoutly opposed the division of dakota mcmillen declared it would ba political suicide for the democratic party to admit all these new states aba democratic party should go slow in this matter these proposed new states were republican and would continue to be republican notwithstanding any action the democratic house might take looking to their admission |