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Show HUH! HUH! IS 111 i I BE RALLYING CMk 5 Ofliee-Seekers in Zion Want (j (I Make Ed Loose Their J j Political Moses. m MEANWHILE CURLY P' CALLISTEll IS NOT BLUFF J Ijjim "The Man Who Sat at thePresjif dents Left" Just Keeps on I Sawing Wood. CJ-' h "I see that tho patriots in church Ropublican party aro going to compel the statesman from Provo ti become a candidate for Governor" 'ft said tho Prominent Politician l0 Ti v Stroller ou Sunday. "In other wordi thoy arc going to lariat hiin with pott tions and beg him to become the I litical Moses for the church crowd ( lead them out of the slough into whicj 'v they have waudored. 'IIuli! hub1 Mi L to be tho rallying cry. i ' "Tt is a well-known fact that a nj .lonly of the Federal bunch is opposi f' to Ed Loose's candidacy for GovernwS5' i This gang is as much opposed to him flr they arc to Ontlor, but as bctvrR'i tho two they would take the leaser oKi two evils and stand in with 'rim who sat at the President's left,' vKLc thoy cannot bulldoze Loose lloweveSf6 this bunch is still for Callistor. TlgS know what they can do with him aM"1 will stay by him to the end. Officc-Scekcrs Want Loose. "The demand for Loose to make tt ' race comes from tho seekers for offiti tX in Zion. If Cutler should be nam as his own successor such action woult '' put a quietus upon the aspirations 6i fc the Salt Lake contingent, hence ther f. want Loose. Could they indueo Elder 1 Howell to give up his job as einbassj- S dor from the baud of twenly-siz to ti'i '& Houso of Representatives and mako the e: race for Governor they would prefer f Howell, as his nomination would maka it easier for Apostle Smool. and,, eeor graphicall', would satisfy the rank and', ijt filo better than to namo" Loose. . J, y "Hence they proposo to circulate titious and thus attempt to make thai rank and filo believe that the masi o the votors in central and uorthern ( Utah want Loose. These petitions aiii jj, to bo circulated in Cache, Salt Laii &t and "Utah counties only. The insurgenu it of course, will oppose Loose, for l 1 reason that he is hand and glove wit) ,j. Smoot, and they have had enough n Smoot. t CaHister Is in Race. j & "AJ1 efforts to induce CaUister j abandon tho race have thus far provoi g futile. Curlj' is confident that he cai jr: bo nominated. lie wants no pctitioi 4 circulated in his behalf. The call fq jft him to make tho race comes from manj Edward Callister is constantly callin '? him; Curly Callister is doing 'likewise E. II. CailistciJs sounding his praij and urging his candidacy. "Revent pfc Collector Callister is also anxious f3K him to mako tho race. Hyruni Callistrf has implored him to remain in the coil 51 lest. Then the voice of that wolMtuow: - patriot, J; H. Anderson, is heard f n behalf of Curly; James Andorson an- $ Fussy Jimmy Anderson and JanVa ib Henry Anderson and .T. Anderson a& eJ Deputy Reveuuo Collector Auderw N .also beg Callister to mako the race, t "From another section in the Fed oral building Hi Booth has appcalu to Callister to hang on and remain i the contest. Kinkv Booth and H. I i Booth and Hyrum Booth and Hiram"! 1C Booth and UViited States Attornai ! Booth aro calling Callister to run. As, Jy tho voices of Peewee Thomas, A. I m Thomas. Arthur Thomas. Postmaatj p Thomas. Arthur L. Thomas, aro raUft ;( for Curlj. i . "In addition, others in tho Federa ' bunch aro begging Curly aud importuj ing him to slick and uot be bluffed nij bulldozed from making the race. Thi is why Edward II. Callister docs no need petitions circulated in order to pi "fett him to run. Tho call to him. as will b nfc aeon. comes from a largo uumbcr of bi party. i- finHor Kswhir Wnnrl. i ht "As to 4 the man who sat at th . President's left,' the pugilistic cieci J;-tivo J;-tivo of Utah, he is taking a compjacefl ' view of the situation. He is in ti race. He has mado public annooMI I ruent that he is a candidate He kow what lie was doing when he gave 9 his appeal to the voters of the Stat He also has been called and he tber? fore just keeps on sawing wood- TheS who called him to enter the race an -the fellows vho cut great chunks ol ica in Utah politics. They do no hari $ to sound their call from the housetops They do it by the whisper, br gam; shoe .methods. So when John C. Cut" skier sk-ier was called to enter" the contest fo? v, Governor he knew what to do. baud of twenty-sire does not xnake nus- intakes in-takes in Utah politics. Tho pugilistio.; , executive knows this knows what it j-is j-is o be set apart. He is in the race. nft "Tho Congressional delegation, l ata told, will dispose of Postmaster GlaB; it mann at Ogden at an early date. When i Bill was confirmed it was understood that he would resign, as his confirms:, tion was made simply to protect nun. g in the salary- which he had drawn. Bus the Ogden postmaster is loath to lee go, and has forgotten to send ia til document bearing his signature wMcn would retire him from official lire. i v addition, his action toward his con temporary in leaving out of the mans' te au edition of the State Journal hat V caused the friends of the Journal iflfS demand his retirement. These deniaiWS , will be complied with and Bill tnll soa be among the has be ens. f K Rovr iu Republican Club. "Tn view of the manner in which. the Taft ratification meeting was lianj, died at Wandamero last Thursday Mj tho Young Men's Republican clnD -u when fourteen persons appeared to s. von I to their' enthusiasm over the nomu b uations at Chicago, there pron be a lively time at tho nest meMh-of meMh-of the elub. At this meeting, I Mfi told, an attempt will be made to UJK tho present officers. These officers H charged with standing in with the jfMS surgents and it is also aKegod that "flH9 election was illegal. The 'outs Cj3J been quietly passing the word to im , BJ frieuds to attend the next niertfft ; If force, and if this is carried out i will bo a merry time. In the S time, the 'ins' will do a littlo ftogg j themselves and they have, urged i" t j side to coma to tho meeting, 5; tho3 a solid front will no doubt gre, a 'outs' when the doors aro opened. if. : i |