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Show )f ; HEART-TO-HEART TAI?KS It WITH PAROLED ROYS h 1 '- J Assistant Superintendent Neic of W i ihc State Induetrial school and Ilarry S J S. Joseph, a member of the board of ' m trustees, met with about thirtj' paroled Bv j boj'5 in the .Tuvpnile courtroom Wednes- n" . daj' evening and held a personal intor- m ' -view witn each.'boy. Gr , Wiat each Koy was making, what ho i', ffi' I wa? doing with hiB monoj'. and other Ml i mH iters ot inttirest t.o tho boy and the HI ! offlcials, was brought out. The officials mf. found everything generally in a satiB- |