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Show Cily and Neighborhood Till? KRIE.Vn.S of John and Edna Leonard will be pleased to learn that they are convalescent from their recent illness. FRANK T. SMITH of this cily loft Inst .Tuesday night for a businesi? trip to Idaho. Ida-ho. He will probably bo gone for a week or ten dnys. MRS. MYTON. wife or Major IT. V. Myton, has returned to Salt Lal:o City, after an extended trip to Los Angeles. Mrs. Myton is stopping at the Wilson hotel. ARTHUR EDWARDS of Canada died at St. Mark's hospital of an Incurable disease. dis-ease. Wednesday morning. Ho was III several months. His body will be sent to Cunadn for burlnl. A MBET1NG of the Snlt Lake Football nsHoclatlon will be held at 63 tDast First South. Saturday evening, at S.30 p. in., to cl"ct officers for the season of 1008. All Interested In the game arc Invited to attend. C. A. QL'IGLEY. manager for Studc-baker Studc-baker Rros. company In this city, expect to lenvo for the East Thursday on a business trip. Wednesday afternoon he entertained a number of his friends at an Informal luncheon at the Commercial club. THE FUNERAL of .lohn BIrrcll. who died at 12:20 o'clock Tuesday night, will be hold from the Fifteenth ward meeting" house. Sunday, at 12:30 p. m. The remains re-mains can bo viewed at the resldenco, 012 West Fourth South, from 11 to 12 o'clock. FRANK j. SHELLABARGER, managing manag-ing editor of the Telegram, left about noon Wednesday with his wife on a trip to Europe. During his sojourn of a year on the continent. Mr Shellabarger will write articles for various publications In this country. GEORGE R. MAXWELL W. U. C. and post will give a Joint card social and entertainment en-tertainment and supper on Saturday night, In the 1. O. O. F. temple. All W. R. C. and Circle ladles and pout members, together with friends, nrcInvltod to Join in having a pleasant evening. EVANGELISTIC services, at the Calvary Cal-vary Baptist church (colored) will continued con-tinued each evening this week and Sun-duy. Sun-duy. On Wednesday evening Rev. White will speak on th subject, "Sowing and Reaping," and on Thursday evening Ills subject will bo, "The Unpardonable Sin.'1 JOHN-HOGG of Coalville was adjudged Insane by Judge Armstrong. Wednesday, and committed lo the State mental hospital, hos-pital, Paul Rosmussen also was oxam-Inod, oxam-Inod, but It could not be determined whether lie was Insane or III, and his case was postponed for a few (lays. . AT THE MEETING of public school, principals, held In the city and county building. Wednesday afternoon, Dr. E. W. Whitney delivered a vory Interesting address ad-dress upon the subject. "Hygiene lh - the Schools." The address embraced the care, of pupils njd proper school-room condi tions. SECRETARY PARLEY vHWSON haa' announced a meeting of (JioU"tnh Press .ipsoclatlon, to be hld Mondny, January 20, at 10:30 a. m.. In the rooma of the Press club of Salt Lake CI t. at 161 Main street. An Intfrcsting'programme has been prepared and a Iw!? -attendance Is desired. ACTING GOVERNOR C. S. TING EY received a lei lor from Governor Tnolo of Montnna. Wednesday. In which Governor Toole acknowledges the receipt of nn Invitation In-vitation to attend tho Pry Farming Congress, Con-gress, and nays that he will he unnhlo to attend, owing to th.e pressure, of off l- yp.h-huHincsii. HSS KLdRENCE ALLGOOD. slider of 3lrs. J. II. Waters, wife of the manager the Windsor hoto), was operated on 'by 'Dm, Hosmcr and Tyndalo at tho Holy CroFH hospital. Tuesday night for appendicitis. ap-pendicitis. The operation was a succesn and, barring complication, the patient will doubtless speedily cccovifr. ' COUNTY ATTORNEY HANSON Issued a complaint against Albert Bland, colored, col-ored, -Wednesday, charging burglary in the second degree Bland Ik alleged to' have entered a barn at 220 East Third South street, December It. 1907.' arid stolop a set of harness bolonglng to MuJ-hoilon MuJ-hoilon fc Sonn. , Od RS. S". H. P. EMBRY died Wodnos-' 4day at tho home of her nephow. Mr. M.' R. Butler, 626 West North Temple, at tho age of aeventy-throc. She Is survived by a niece. Mm. Sarah A. Fowler. Funeral nbi-vieeH will ho held at tho Fifteenth ward ;ne)llng house. Friday, at '2. p. m. All friends are invited.. The remains can be viewed botwocn 12 and 1 o'clock at the residence. OWING TO tho lllnrs of William Dunn, attorney for William Fisher, who is charged with burglary In the necond do-gree, do-gree, tho case of Fisher has been continued con-tinued to January 23, in Judge, Arm-Hlrong's Arm-Hlrong's division of Ihe Third DiBtrlct court. The cane was set for Wednesday. Flahcr Is charged with stealing a number of bottleH of Bass alo from tho Union Storage corajjam-'s warehouse. |