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Show A POLYGAMIST APPOINTED. ! . The Tribune has heretofore censured 1 Governor Cutler for honoring law-defy- 1 Ing polygarnists with appointments to ! various honorable positions represent- J ing the Stale. - We believe that the j recognition of persons leading outlaw i lives, who persist in defying the laws j of tho State and in so conducting them- , selves as to bring them fairly and prop- ! erly under the condemnation of the pub- I lie for immoralities and bad citizenship, i should not be honored with any public appointments whatever. We did not suppose that any one who had not been brought up in the polygamous atmosphere atmos-phere and with tho idea that the law-defiors law-defiors Tvere men of iufiuite merit and deserving to be held in peculiar veneration, venera-tion, would for one moment thiuk of appointing any of them to any public or quasi-public function, occupation, agency, or delegation. i We are all the more surprised, therefore, there-fore, that Mayor Brnnsford has, through mistaken advice and perhaps losing sight of the point at issue, named Apostle .lohn Henry Smith, a notorious polygamisr, to be a delegate from 'this city to .the Dry-Farming Congress. Wc arc constrained Uo believe that the Mayor in making this appointment i overlooked for the time being the of- fonses of which this man is openly, j notoriously, and .scnudalously guilty. It ! was. however, a serious error on his part, and those who led him iuio il. : whooyer they may be. arc certainly undeserving un-deserving of any further confidence of his and should bo classed as unfaithful friendb, persons uot- to be depended upon as advisers, it is peculiarly inappropriate in-appropriate that the leading official whom tho 'American party has put into j office in Utah should givn any Tccogni- tion whatever ,10""' the class of persons- nguifisfc vvhos'e .offenses , the American party makes especial warfare. It is bad enough, in all .conscience, for the "Republican" "Re-publican" party and "for the "Democrat" "Demo-crat" party to bow to. this law-dofy-ing class:- ft would bo an absolute scandal scan-dal and outrage for an American parti' 'official consciously to recognize any of that class in any appointment whatever. what-ever. Mayor Brausford has unquestionably unquestion-ably been bolraycd info making this mistake by inconsiderate or willfully deceptive advice. Tno Tribune sees no excuse for any such advico or any such appointment, other than thai it was probablj' mado in' a moment of inadvertence inad-vertence and without taking into account ac-count tho proprieties of tho situation or tho obnoxiousnoss of the sort of life for which this man stands, Aud -we iako this occasion to enter our earnest and emphatic protest against this appointment appoint-ment or against auy other like it from any source whatever; but moro especially espe-cially do "wo protest against it coming from any Amcricau official, or as any-thiug any-thiug for which the Amcricau party as such should or can bo made to stand. |