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Show 111 MRS. fl. W. LANG WINS 11 IN MATRONS' CONTEST w3 Mrs. H. W. T.ang was awarded a silver IK! medal Wednesday afternoon In the ina- Bn r.rons' contest of the W. C T. TJ., which t' n-ns held at tho home of Mrs. T. J. s" Nipper, -1224 East South Temple. 1 f, Tne flubject of the declamation which J if ,: j v.as rendered' by Mrs. Lane was "Under 1 f xba Shadow of a Great Curse." i ' The club room at Mrs. .Nlppcr'a. 'home 3 ' tras handromely deoonued for' the occa- ini 'i . sion. UcfreshmeiUs were served after tho J Ba contest. Tlf doclamatfons Tendered 3j!J v "Wcdnosdny nfternoon wcrn pronounced aim v simon?: the best that havo ever been de- ItulyA livercd during tho contcstK this year. fAi ;Hv The othnr contestants were MeFdamcE j! Mr P. R. Short, V. P. Dalton, H. K. RIMs, II. iJi ,Hi' c- Adams, E. J. Stone and W. Ii. '3' H' Boucher. Tho judpe.B of tho contest were til -nm Ill's. A. B. Greason, Irs. W. H. Tlbbalp l vmk and ?drr, C. II. Moorfhous. The medal III tlfet v.'a awarded b Mrs. K. E. Shepard. b! K State president of the W. T. C. f tJfc'' The ladles of the Firt MuptlsL church ;flj -will hold tholr annua) contest at the home Si mK ' of IJr. Nipper Thureday afternoon. Those ti' HP' "'ho will participate are Meadames E. F. HP Weatherbee, G. W. Guthrie. A Thompnon, |