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Show m EXPENOED j 81 M FORESTS igfj interesting Facts Furnished "by Qk r W. E. Herring, Chief Engi-.1 Engi-.1 1 11l' of Forest Service. I 5$ I NEARLY $700,000 WILL 1 BE EXPENDED IN YEAR Si:' '2 Work That Has Been Accom-2JS Accom-2JS f plished Js Outlined by I Mora than $650,000 will have been spent for the administration and protection pro-tection of the national forests of the West by the end of the Government fiscnl year, Juno 30, according Jo W. U. Herring, chief engineer of the forest service, who is in tho city attending fhe conference of department officials and the supervisors of district No. 4. i ThQ moneys comprise an appropriation of $500,000 by the National Congress I and about $100,000 assigned from forest for-est funds. The' money will be expended, primar-nJgL primar-nJgL jly, explains Mr. Herring, to facilitate M the adniinistration and protection of national forests by means of the eon- & struetion ot telephone lines, trails, ,H fR fences, bridges, wagon roads, and cab- A. ins and barns for tho shelter of forest !ii ofliccrs. Wherever it is possible, bow- ever, efforts will be made to nssist sct-1.11 sct-1.11 S. tiers in remote . districts, and forest ' aK. officers are instructed lo encourage It neighbors i" every possible way. Con-, Con-, jr corning the work done by the" forest J service, Mr. Herring said' 71 V Work Outlined. Jl ft' "December in, 1007. there were 3280 SB dl imes telephone lines, 2752 miles of trails. -171 miles of fences, 80 barns, -101 M. jf cabins, 202 bridges and J51 miles of S . ""'agon roads completed, under eonstruc-t eonstruc-t M tion and authorized, in national forests mi $ V '1C Wstcni liar1' 0,1 tnc United i A States. Ono of the principal pieces of ? ;p construction is the Twin Springs-At- Junta rond, in Idaho, which will afford I 3 means of travel .between Boiso and At-I! At-I! 1 Janta, not hitherto oujo3'cd, and to the H; construction of which the forest service U ft contributed $-1000 in co-operation with l?jf the Stntc and the Boise Commercial M-'t- dub. This is in line with the policy of " ( the service, and we are anxious to fake JJf up the construction of facilities which :Vir afford better means of eominuni- i" cation mi remote localities. Tho service " is wiUfng:. Lo co-operate cither with States, .cities or individuals. " -In Vtah we have constructed a telephone line from Salina, via Teas-. Teas-. dale, to Esealante. its total length bo-.' bo-.' ing 125 miles. This line goes through a region where heretofore settlors have required three days in which to com- inuun-ntr- with a telephone or telegraph lj Hut. The use of the line is free, but tolls are, of course, charged for'con-f for'con-f n --tious with telephone companies' f linos. We have also built a line, thirty-lr thirty-lr two miles in length, from llcbcr City if to Jntockmore. it is the intention to ' rvind this line ns far casi as Vernal ' and White Jioclts. This will involve l"0 additional miles of construction. In I lie Rear liivor forest -ye have con-s con-s rutted several lines which afford the f s rllcrs communication to Logan. ' In Sav to otli. Forest. ! ' We will spend $20,000 in the Saw- li'utli Toresi in Idaho, including the ap-I ap-I tiopriation for the Twin Springs-At- 'nta road. One thousand dollars will f applied to auotlier rond and $500 to " a bridge which wo arc building in eo-' eo-' operation with the county unthoritics. 'fiie major portion of the money will bo i. f'Spended for building trails and roads. Sixty miles of telephone lines and fif-i fif-i iecn miles of wagon road will be built, j if ihn Lemhi (sout)i) forest. In adli-! adli-! tion to an appropriation of $ri.'3ti0, we i wi.ll build yeventy-five miles of tele- ! f- phone line and eight miles of co-opera- j . Tive wagon road in the Salmon river j - forest. The Payette Jor?si will have 3n ajipropriation of ftoGOO.. anrl the Weisor, $0309 Altogether, the servfeo Trill spend about $00,000 in Idaho and $00,000 in Ulan." The telephone lines of the forest I service are being substantially built-Whore built-Whore the forest, "growth is (hick the wires ;irc depended from the trees upon swinging insulators, and this method ( obviates a greal deal of damage usually taiised by storm?. In sparsely-grown forests poles are used, these, in some instances, being coated with carbo-liueutn, carbo-liueutn, but. mostly with creosote. Tho appropriations for the principal Utah forests an as follows: : Aquarioufl. 2'X.Y2 Bear liver. $5Slfl: "Denver, $73(1; Dixie, 1 Cjt:i ; Pish Lake, $5015; .Mouticcllo. (53-15: Salt Lake. 21; Sevier. 37Pl; L'inta, $5G03; Wasatch, $1S(J. |