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Show FROVENOER. TRADING IS ACTIVE THUBSDAY Prices Change Little and Few ! Additions Are Made to Stock. The trading on market row Thursday showed more activity than on any other day during the week. The prices of various staples underwent" very little change during the week no changes being be-ing recorded in hay and grain, sugar, meats and poultry, fish or dairy products. Several delicacies were offered in the fruit line. Pomegranates appeared oh the market and sold for, 20 cents the pound. Oranges are scarce, resulting In a slight drop in the price. Tho fruit brought from 25 to 50 cents tlie dozen, but a ro-spectable ro-spectable looking dozen cduld not be obtained ob-tained at any price. Ectail Prices. IIA1' AND GRAIN. Alfalfa, per cwt .....$ .70 Uarlcy. rolled, per cwt 1.65 Corn, per cwt .1.70 Cornmeal, per cwt 2.40 Flour, family 2.25 . Flottr, straight grade, per cwt .. 2.45 Flour, high patent, per cwt 2.65 Oats, per cwt ,,. 3.65 Timothy, per cwt ,S5 Wheat, per cwt ' 1.70 SUGAR. " Beet sugar, per cwt fi.00 . Cane sugar, por cwt 6.20 Maple sugar, por pound... .20 MEATS AND POULTRY. Beefsteaks, pound 10 .20 Spring chickens, dressed, pound .20 Dressed hens,, pound .18 Spring lambs, pound 15 & -20 Mutton, dressed, pound OS & .15 Pork, dressed, pound 10 (ft .171 Veal, dressed, pound 123$ .20 Lard, pound .15 Ducks, domestic, per pound. .20 Turkeys, per pound .271 FISH. Striped bass, pound .25 Catfish, pound . .171 Carp, four pounds .25 Crabs, eaoh. .30 Flounders, pound .15 Klngfish, pound .15 Halibut .15 Mullet, four pounds .25 Oysters, Blue Points, doz... .30 Oysters, selected, quart.... .75 Oysters, Olympla. pint..,,.. .40 Prawns, pound .45 Porch, pound .15 ! Pike, fresh water, pound.... " .15 Pompano, pound .25 Salmon, pound .20 Smelts, California .20 Smelts, Oregon .15 Trout, brook, each .15 Yellowtail, pound .20 D.&RY PRODUCTS. Butter, creamery, pound... .30 Choese. pound. .20 New- York cream cheese, pound .25 Imported Swiss cheese, pound , .50 Roquefort cheese, pound.... .60 Eggs, por dozen .25 Eggs, Utoli, per dozen .35 Brie cheese, per pound .50 Camombort cheese, per pound . .50 Neufchatel cheese, each.... . . .10 Llmburger cheese, 2 pound .50 Edam cheese, 3 pounds.' 1.25 Empire brick cheese, per pound .25 MacLaren's, each 20 ) .35 Camembcrt. imported, a box .35 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, pock 60 iQ .65 Bananas, per dozen 25 .30 Beets, peck .25 Cabbage, per pound .05 Cauliflower, per pound 15 .20 Celery, per bunch .10 Chill peppors, per pound.... .30 Cocoanuts, each .15 Cranberries, quart .15 Figs, dried, per pound. .15 Figs (Turkish) pound .25 Grape fruit, each 10 j .35 Honey, pound .,. . .15 Hominy, per quart .10 Lettuce, California, - per . . head 1 ' .10 I Lemons, por doz 15 .25 Onions, por pound . " .05 Onions, green, two bunches .05 Orangos, per dozen 25 Q .50 Oyster plant, two bunches.. ,05 Parsley, por bunch .05 Pickles, sour, per quart .20 Potatoes, per peck... .20 Radishes, two bunches , .15 Tomatoes, per pound .25 Wholesale Prices. Apples, box, $1.25 1.75: bnnanas. pound, alo; lemons, box. $4; oranges, box, $2.75 (g)3; cabbage, pound, 2c; potatoes, Irish, bushel, S5c. potatoes, sweet, pound, 81c; turnips, pound, 11c; beet sugar, per cwt. $5.90; cane sugar; per cwt, $6.10; maple per cwt. $5.50; creamery butter, pound, 25c; cheese. Utah, pound. 141c; Wisconsin and Eastern cheese, lolc; fresh ranch eggs. $9 per case, storage eggs, per case,. $6.50: alfalfa, per cwt., 65c; barley, rolled, per cwt.. $1.50; corn, per cwt., $1.50: flour, family grado, per cwt, $2.10; flour, high patent, per cwt,, $2.40; flour, straight grade, per cwt., $2.20; oats, per cwt., $1.60; timothy, per cwt.. 85c; wheat, per cwt., $1.60; spring chickens, per 1 pound, 16c; hens, per pound, 15c; lard, ' In cases, per pound, I2ic, beef, dressed, I per pound. G(g)71c; Inmbs, dressed, per pound, lie. mutton, dressed, per pound, 95J'10c: pork, dressed, per pound, 80; loin of pork, per pound, lie; veal, dressed, per pound, OSJilOc. ! 1 New York Plour and Grain. ' NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Flour Receipts. 28.100 packages; exports, 3500 packages; steady, with trading quiet. Wheat Receipts, 17.000 bushels; exports, ex-ports, SI. 200 bushels; spot steadv: No. 2 j red, $1.04$ elevator, and No. 2 red, $1 061 f. o. b. afloat; No. M northern. Duluth." $1,201 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard, winter. , $1.J48 f. o. b afloat. . Options Early steadiness in whoat 10-! 10-! day. favored by higher cables and lighter I northwest receipts, wan succeeded after midday by sharp reactions due to predlc-. tions of liberal Argentine shipments. The market closed weak at lo net decline, May. $1 t0J(fI'1.10Sc. closing at. $1,101; July, I $L058tfpl.06J, closing at $1,058. t |