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Show SALT LAKE DEATH RATE IS 10.88 THE THOUSAND 1 Report of Board of Health .Segregates .Seg-regates the Causes of City's Mortality. There were 116U deaths in Salt Lake during the year 1507, according to tho annual report of the board of health. Of this number 3S0 were non rosidonts, bringing the total down lo 771 for residents res-idents and making the average death rato the 1000 during the year, 10.SS. Of the 'llfiO deaths, 70?. were males and 457 females; 1133 were white and 27 colored. Eighty-five deaths wero of persons more than So years of age. During the same period there were 2025 births, of which 0?,0 were males and OPo females, divided as follows as between white and colored: White, .1980; colored. 36. Pneumonia caused f.hc. greatest number num-ber of deaths, there being ninctv four fatalities duo lo that cause. .Meningitis .Menin-gitis and organic diseases of the heart enmo next, with eighty-three of each. Other principal causes are as follows: Senile debility, lifty-six; diphtheria and croup. fort3'-nve; typhoid fever, thirty-llvo: thirty-llvo: cancer, forty; tuberculosis of the lungs, twenty-nine; general tuberculosis, tubercu-losis, twelvo; congestion and hemorrhage hemor-rhage of the brain, thirty-one; convulsions convul-sions (under n years), twenty-four; chronic, bronchitis, twenty-five; bronchial bron-chial pneumonia, twentv; stomach disease, dis-ease, Iwcnty; simple peritonitis, twenty-nine; appendicitis, thirteen; external ex-ternal causes, including suicides and accidents, ac-cidents, eighty eight ; of tho eighty-eight, eighty-eight, nineteen were suicides, ten of the number dying from poison. The report of the sanitary inspector shows that hd made J 1,037 inspections during the 3-ear aud did other work as follows: 'Complaints received and1 attended at-tended to, 2763; written notices served, 3031 cesspools, vaults and grease traps cleaned, 105; loads of garbage dc-stroj'cd dc-stroj'cd at crematory, 3740; loads of anhes and rubbish disposed of at dump, S435; disposed of at garbage station, 503S loads; horecs destroyed at cre-matoiy, cre-matoiy, 378; cows. 55; dogs, 1143. There were 488 houses and 227(7 rooms fumigated by S. C. Evans, divided di-vided as follows: Scarlet fever, 7G2; diphtheria, 1772; smallpox. 155, meningitis, men-ingitis, 75. Walter Waxier, food inspector, condemned con-demned 77.947 pounds of food duirng tiie year aud instituted eighteen prosecutions prose-cutions for violations of the law. Inspect In-spect ions were made during the year as follows: fJrocory store 1976 Hotels 2l!i Commission houses J.0Pn Bakeries , -tOS Meat markets i:45 Dairies 104 Restaurants 995 Candy .manufactories ..i 22 Klsh markets 32fi Horse radish manufactories ....... .1 Rrowerle? ' 2 Ice cream factories ?, Ice ponds i City Chemist Harms reports as follows: fol-lows: Examinations for Klebs-LoulTler bacillus ba-cillus '. 212 Kuinbor containing same 92 Number not containing same ...... 120 Examinations for bacillus tuberculosis tuberculo-sis . A Number containing same :: Number not containing same l Samples milk teatc-d , 130 Cream SO Butter 10 Canned tomaloos to City water in Others 1GS Contagious diseases were reported during the year as .follows: Diphtheria . ; 319 Scarlet fover 201 Measles 95fi Typhoid fever 20:5 Smallpox ,"C Epidemic cercbro spinal meningitis.. 12 Simple meningitis r.2 Chicken pox C2 Whooping cough 05 Mumps , 27 Tuborculo3lH 5 Pneumonia 33 Total l'jZi |