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Show HAZE ORE SAMPLER ! HAS CHANGED HANDS Scott Jiud Amaiiii Company of . Goldfleld Get Plant by He-cent He-cent Purchase. The recent visit of W. S. Scott, the prominent Xcvnda operator ana mem. ber of tho brokerage firm in Goldueia of Scott and Ainann, now appears Lo hnvo had more significance than the smiling fnce of Mr. Scott evidenced a fow davs ago. a3 he left this city for the Sage-Brush section. It has leaked out; that Scott and Amanu have purchased pur-chased the sampling plant and ore-purchasing business of tho Nevada Ore Sampling company of llar.on, isov. it is understood that Bcla Kadish. manager mana-ger of the Ogdcn smelter, owned the controlling interest, in this sampling work, and that his ownership has been transferred to the above Nevada firm. The Nevada Oro Sampling company has a splendid location to secure the ores of the central portion of Nevada, Neva-da, Hazcn is between Salt Lake and practically all the camps of that part of tho State, including Tonopah, Goldfleld. Yerington. Fair view, Wonder, "Rawhide, and numerous others uow brenkiug into the game in first-class style. The com-panj' com-panj' not. only samples ores enroufc lo the smelters, hut it purchases them outright out-right if desired, by the shipper, and with a resumption of' normal mining conditions, condi-tions, should become a factor iu the ore production of Nevada. It is understood that Mr. Scotr. was in this city getting facts about the marketing of ores that this company may purchase, and ho twill act in the capacity of manager of the company from now on. Mr. Scott has scores of ! friends in Salt Lake and throughout all Nevada camps, and is generally reckoned as one of the few fortunate Nevada operators who happened to squeeze out of the recent panic with his fortune unimpaired. |