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Show MOTHER FORSAKES mm flees Mrs. Anna Brooks Leaves Husband Hus-band to Care for Five Children. THOUGHT TO HAVE FLED WITH MINING MAN Only Trace of Missing Woman Is Letter Mailed in Zioii. Deserting her husband and five little childron, Mrs. Anna BBrooks, 457 Ninth East, disappeared from liomo Friday night and nothing has been heard from her since but a letter written in Salt .Lake and mailed to her husband, staling stal-ing that she was going to visit relatives in Butto. Jlor husband and tho children believe be-lieve she has cone with a mining man known as lbort A. Earn, of Delmar, Nevada. Ne-vada. So strong is the family iu the belief tba.t she has gono with Kain that tho eldest child, Olive, li years old, has written to Mrs. Kain at Delmar stating that her mother eloped with 3?ain. No answer has as 3ot been received re-ceived from Mrs. llain. Has Picture of Rain. George Brooks is employed as a teamster. The children say ho was always al-ways good to their mother, except that sometimes he rebuked her for paying too much attention to other men, and at such times ho became angry and threatended leave. She is said to have j carried a picture of Eain in her pocket pock-et book. JRain called at the bouse during dur-ing Brooks's absence, it is said. Friday evening Mrs. Brooks dressed. to go to tho theater and asked Olive if she did not wish to go too. The little lit-tle girl declined, and the mother left and nas not been seen by auj member of, or friend of, tho family since. The day following, Brooks received a letter from his wife, postmarked in Salt Lake, and stating that sho was going to Bntte to visit relatives- Tho family knows of no relatives whom she could visit in Butte and believe that she has gono to Nevada or California, Tho condition of tho husband is difficult dif-ficult to solve. He has the five children on his hands and no ono to care for them whilo bo is away at work the enlire day. The children oxpress great affection for their futher and sa3' lie was good to the absent woman. The children are Olive, 1-1 years old: Dallas, 11; Beatrice, 10; George, ,7, aud Mary, 0 3'ears old. |