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Show SBNATE MILL GEINDING. ttge Number of Bills Acted Upon by ly- Upper House. After an all-night session the Senate Srabled iu a perfunctory sort of inner Wednesday morning, passed a tf,bill3? and at '10:30 o'clock agreed launter until 4 o'clock p. m. In tho Jfernoon the only measure of conso-ncc conso-ncc that passed was H. B. No. 300, JpXi- The manner of perfecting afeh relates to appeals from Justices' oh appeals is set forth in an nmend-int nmend-int offered by Benner X. Smith, ami Inch was mode a prt of tho bill. Another important measure was that SninK adult delinquency as a misde-anor, misde-anor, prescribing the punishment tefor and providing suspension of Hence and release upon probation, i&bill provides that any person over jean of age who, by any act, words ifonduct or by the omission to do rl.cthing required by law to bo done, i abets, encourages, contributes to Jbccomes responsible for the depend-neglect depend-neglect or delinquency of any Hmh eo defined by the laws of L State, shall be deemed guilty miedemcanor, and upon coiivic- thereof may be fined in any sum Mceeding $100, or may suffer im-Mnment im-Mnment in the discretion of tho art. The court can, in its discretion, ipend such sentence. The bill itself jKally a part of the Juvenile court 'proper, and empowers I ho court to H with adult delinquents. 19 in tho afternoon Senator Cal-r Cal-r called up S. B. No, 215. whi?h .fnbshtutc for S. B. No. 107, regn-lDt regn-lDt the manufacture and snle of "Mating liquors. The bill was he-. he-. .considered, and several (imendments '? offered and made -before it was "rcd that there was not a quorum i e sergeant -at-avms was FM to living in the delinquent mun- but afier ,e an( dUhgent no reported that the Sonntors m no was nftor wore sure enough U was at this timo that the ?'as "Creed upon. Following is A?y R work, as summed up by the W Bills Passed. B No. 304 Relating to the Stale up i Kl r'n"ssioners. author-r'tif! author-r'tif! ,nftKP loans on scrip issued SA i h? o "",,kc Pblic improvements. I, Jh(! 'third time and passed. tW- ? "Defining and regulat-Mpecial regulat-Mpecial tax funds in cities of the &"n'l S00nnfl class. Read tho third fPafr ?' 'iHting to tho man-finlv man-finlv n'"K tho sal'iries of deputy H T V" oCnU P5SPll. On1' in !0J' treating a comniis-ffl?ninke comniis-ffl?ninke " crp'table display of 1 resources of the Stato of UionM. 1 1V,lr,naUonal Mining ox- 'S iNpW VOr'J C'itV Passed oad tllC U,5H , imo &wfn222-"LRelntinK the qual-Kfan qual-Kfan ; mclubers of the Board of S s" C.ltlcs of ,u,? Gr 6 of fiirlass' aml Providing tho ifte hn-iril V?K vaeaitcicB occurring jtd. ar(1' 1ca,l Hie third time and aVinf'tiw I2 moralizing and rUblU mvy of the Interior ring c! X i ,bfiS!; rts1' liBtcliorr in i H ft, Ulah county, or in 9&$iSLrni 1cnd tlifi r- Ao. 207 Defining tho dutic3 f ! r I of the Stale Board of Land Commissioners Commis-sioners and prohibiting any member or employe of the board from directly or indirectly acquiring the title to or-interest in any said lands, and prohibiting prohibit-ing the interference of members or employes em-ployes of said board with bona fide applicants, and providing a penalty therefor. Read the third timo and passed. S. B. No. 220 Creating the State Board of Equalization, amending the law of 1907. Passed. S. J. R. No. o Relating to the taxation taxa-tion of miues. This resplution pro-I pro-I poses an amendment to section 4, article J.. of the constitution. Tf the proposed amondmcnt passes the net annual proceeds pro-ceeds of all mines and mining claims shall bo taxed by the State Board of i Equalization. The resolution was read the thirdtime and passed. It. .J. R. No. 3 Authorizing the Governor Gov-ernor to procure portraits of ex-Governor Wells and himself to be hung up iu the executive chamber. The expense ex-pense to be paid out of the Governor's contingent fund. Read the third time and passed. JI. B. No.. 139 Defining adult delinquency delin-quency as a misdemeanor, prescribing the punishment therefor, providing suspension sus-pension of sentence, and release upon probation aud defining tho form and terms of the undertaking in such cases. Passed II. B. No. 184 Defining the duties of the County Attorney. Read the third time. S. B. No. 221 Prescribing whatdavs are designated as legal holidays 'in the State of Utah. Read thi' third time and passed. ll. li. ino. .iuu iteiating to appeals from justice's courts and -perfecting of such appeals, was amended and passed. Following is the amendment offered bv Benner X. Smith, which was adopted: adopt-ed: Not If e of the entry of Judgment must ho riven to the loslnp party by the suc-eernful suc-eernful party either personally or by publication and the timo to appeal sluill daio from the service of snid notice. If personal service cannot be had and the fact, is made to appear by affidavit, the Justice shall order that notice of tho judpment be Riven by publication In some newspaper published In the county. Said notice shall be published once a week for two successive .weeks and a copy thereof sent by mall addressed to the pnrtv at his Inst known place of residence, resi-dence, and the party shall be deemed to have notice of snld judgment on the date of tlif last publication. If no newspaper be published In the county, then notice of the Judpment shall be given by mall addressed to the party nt his last known place of residence, and the party shall bo deemed to have notice of paid Judgment Judg-ment on the tenth day after the depositing deposit-ing of said notice o addressed in the United States poalofflce. S. B- No. 234. by Walton Relating Relat-ing to the State Board of Land Commissioners. Com-missioners. Read the third time and passed. Conference Committee Is Named. The last thing done before sauntering saunter-ing was the appointment-of a conference confer-ence committee on the appropriations bill, now being considered by tho house. The President appointed as such committee Senators Gardner, Hollinga-worth, Hollinga-worth, Lawrence and C'legg. Tho President Presi-dent is cx-officio a member of the committee. com-mittee. The Scnato then agreed to saunter until JO o'clock this morning. |