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Show TALK OF TROUBLE BIITJI EXISTS i Attempt to Stir Up Strife ou Car -Line Signally Failed. MORE MONEY WAS ASKED, AND REQUEST GRANTED Stuff Printed About Rapid Transit Company in Ogdcn Sheets. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, July 23. The morning and evening misinformation twins of Ogdcn Og-dcn give out the information to tho public that tho street car troubles aro all settled. This will bo accepted as good news by both the management of tho Ogdcn Rapid Transit company and b3' the employees of tho samo company. com-pany. Neither side, however, is aware of any trouble It is true that committees com-mittees of the ompoyecs havo mot with tho management unit presented some requests. These, in the grcnter number num-ber of Instances, havo been granted. It is a well-known fact that when former Sheriff Joseph Bailor wns appointed ap-pointed superintendent of tlic 83'slem, his first demand on the management was for more money for tho men, and the demand was granted, as was printed in Tho Tribune some three weeks ago, and at the timo when the local organs, morning and evening, were trving their best to inflame tho minds of tho employees em-ployees against tho management. The iinanagement has stopped all this by mooting tho mon in sensible convention. con-vention. As a matter of fnct, there never was any troube. nor was there tho slightest probability of trouble. Tho management, voluntarily increased tho compensation per hour for certain casscs of empoyecs, according to their service and qualities. Several conferences wero held and the matter of seniority was presented to the management. 'This was agreed to, with the reservation that all other conditions would be equal. This means that the managomont does not propose to give tho ehoicost run to one who is old in the service, but is mediocre in his performances. |